The day Victor’s been waiting for has arrived: his first outing with the Spectral Science Club! Though he’s initially excited to visit the local haunted mall, the club’s strict safety guidelines mean the truly spooky stuff is off-limits. Goaded by Alistair, Victor can’t help but wander off on his own. Unfortunately for him, it’s not long before he finds himself on thin ice and pursued by one truly ghoulie goalie!

Written by Jordan Alsaqa
Art by Ray Nadine

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!

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