Review: 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #1
With all the heaviness of event books, it’s a great time to break out the funny books, and with that said, I doubt that there is a funnier book out this week than 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton!
Trigger Keaton is an action hero of both the small and big screen. The problem with becoming a huge star is that Trigger is also a huge asshat, having alienated a swathe of people including his sidekicks from his various shows and movies. When Keaton turns up dead, his previous poor interactions and his all round asshat-ness means that there is a whole plethora of suspects. Now it’s up to the six sidekicks, who also aren’t the best of pals, to put aside their differences and “win one for the Trigger!”
Kyle Starks has written a number of books including Rick and Morty and the Eisner nominated Sexcastle. In Sidekicks, Starks brings a mix of slapstick and observational humour. It would be easy to see that Chuck Norris is the influence for large parts of the book, but there are a number of other little nods to the excess of the action movie/show genre. The script is smart, sharp-witted and as vicious as a Trigger Keaton front snap-kick! Putting the humour aside, there is also a murder mystery to solve, which with all the good intentions of Starks is going to devolve, or is that evolve, into the absurd and ridiculous.
Chris Schweizer provides the interior art with a style that is slapstick and caricature, whilst also building on some minor character stereotypes. Schweizer’s art may look like it is all comedy and fun; but in reality there is a lot clever action poses and panels in play that utilise the martial art elements of the book well and strong use of camera angles that at times hint at rather than actually denote the action. Colouring assistance is supplied by Liz Trice Schweizer who helps give the books a zany animation feel that suits the vibe of the book perfectly. There is no letterer credited, so I can’t give the due respect for a font that helps keep that characters interacting with a font that doesn’t detract from the fun visuals.
In many ways, this book reminds me of Shirtless the Bear Hunter book in that it has a crazy off the wall hook. If you think that this issue is bonkers, then future issues will pretty much take it several notches higher.
Writing – 5 Stars
Art – 5 Stars
Color – 5 Stars
Overall – 5 Stars
Written by; Kyle Starks
Art by; Chris Schweizer
Color Assistance; Liz Trice Schweizer
Publushed ny; Image Comics / Skybound Entertainment
Author Profile
- I am a long time comic book fan, being first introduced to Batman in the mid to late 70's. This led to a appreciation of classic artists like Neal Adams and Jim Aparo. Moving through the decades that followed, I have a working knowledge of a huge raft of characters with a fondness for old school characters like JSA and The Shadow
Currently reading a slew of Bat Books, enjoying a mini Marvel revival, and the host of The Definative Crusade and Outside the Panels whilst also appearing on No-Prize Podcast on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network
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