Story Thus Far:

The narrative goes back in time 13 years, in a retelling of how America Chavez was found. Is goes into more depth into the people from earth that raised America from when she was six. Truth is she has not really been in contact with the Santana’s (1st Appearance) in a while.  It seems that America has been going through some internal aguish as a result and that has been affecting her powers.  Her return to her roots in Washington Heights is not uneventful, as there is a new threat involved.    


Normal. As always It did what it had to do, in introducing the relationships between the characters. It fails in one big aspect, readers who keep looking for the Latina flavor here will not find it. Most of the characters speak English, and there is a suspicious lack of “Sabor De Raza”. Hopefully that will be rectified in oncoming issues as we get to meet the Santana’s.



The art was done by Carlos Gomez, and the coloring by Jesus Aburton. First let us start with the characters design; There was an amazing improvement on the Look of America Chavez. She looks quite real, as if she were based on an actual person this time. I cannot help feeling like the art was based off some J. Scott Campbell art, and that is a good thing.   Interiors are sometime great to some of the main character, and other times intentionally cheesy, because I am not ready for realistic 30-foot moles honestly.

I see a lot of potential regarding America’s new look.  Excuse the ghastly covers, the interiors are good. I imagine future cosplayers taking a shot at this because simple the costume design is more accessible.   

I have high hopes for this title because, there were so many mistakes written into America’s past that it became frustrating for readers to support her and what she stood for.   The issue represents a desperately needed revamping of Americas past.  It is starting to point us to the” how America be America”.   We still do not know who she is but at least I can now have hopes that Kalinda Vazquez will not allow her to become nothing more than a cardboard character.   


Note to Comic Speculators:

This is a buyer beware pick-up. 100% there are new characters but one of the is shadowy and has not made a full yet.   Just a reminder that Xochitl Gomez has been announced as America Chavez.

America Chavez Made In USA #1 (OF 5) will have 4 covers: Cover A, Sara Pichelli; Cover B, Stephanie Hans; Cover C, Jung-Geun Yoon; and the Cover D, Elizabeth Torque(1:25).

Writer: Kalinda Vazquez

Artist: Carlos Gomez

Colorist: Jesus Aburton

Letterer:  VC Travs Lanham

Publisher: Marvel


Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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