REVIEW: Black Hammer Volume 3

Black Hammer Volume 3, written by Jeff Lemire is hitting shelves in October available everywhere. Covering issue 1 to 12 of Black Hammer Reborn, these 12 issues follow Lucy Weber, the daughter of Black Hammer who took the black hammer after her father died defeating the Anti-God.

Now living in Spiral City with her family, the black hammer has laid dormant for 20 years and we begin to understand why. Not all is great with Lucy though. Does she pick up the hammer? You will need to grab volume 3 to find out!!

Written by the award winning writer Jeff Lemire, best know for his work at Marvel on titles like Hawkeye, X-Men, Moon Knight, Old Man Logan and for DC Comics Superbly, Animal Man, Justice League and more! He has also written for Dark Horse (Black Hammer), Valiant and Image Comics.

The art for this series is done by Caitlyn Yarsky, Malachi Ward, and Matthew Sheean.

Caitlyn Yarsky has worked on Black Hammer for Dark Horse as well as Bliss and Coyotes with Sean Lewis.

Artist Malachi Ward has worked as a cover artist for Black Hammer, Crimson Flower, Expansion, and Dirtbag Rapture. He has also done interiors for Black Hammer, Ancestor, The Nucleus and more!

Matthew Sheean is a writer and artist working on Black Hammer as an artist and Ancestor and Expansion as a writer plus more.

Writing; 4 out of 5
Art; 4 out of 5
Colors 4 out of 5

Score 4 out of 5

Written by; Jeff Lemire
Art by; Caitlyn Yarsky, Malachi Ward, Matthew Sheean
Colors by; Dave Stewart
Published by; Dark Horse Comics

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Thomas Huls
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