REVIEW: Captain Wolf and the Howling Commandos #4
Steve Roger’s adventure as a werewolf comes to an epic conclusion in Captain Wolf and the Howling Commandos #4. Can Cap and the Commandos stop the Nazis and their werewolf army once and for all?
Issue #4 picks up with the Commandos escaping the Nazi bunker they bombed last issue and Cap still in mid werewolf-to-werewolf battle with Ros. And of course, in traditional Captain America fashion, he’s still trying to talk sense into Ros in between punches and shield blocks. So yes, Captain Wolf is still Captain America through and through. The Howling Hounds are their tough, gritty, with hearts-of-gold selves as well. The French spy Frankie is on a mission to destroy the Nazi werewolf serum and Dugan is on a mission to save her. Nothing is stagnant, all three stories move quickly and then come together by the end of the issue. There’s some fun old-school Marvel-style storytelling here by writer Stephanie Phillips.
Art-wise, the issue (and the run as a whole) is an excellent mixture of bright action and dark thriller elements, with a pinch of horror for good measure. The werewolf throwdown is the obvious highlight of the issue. A werewolf draped in Cap’s classic costume and old-school shield is certainly a sight to see. And his battle with werewolf Ros dominates the pages of the issue with some cool panels and others that are quite brutal. The coloring in the issue pulls off one of the more difficult feats in comics, being both dark (literally and figuratively) but also bright and just comic book-y enough. Overall, this is as visually interesting a Cap comic book as one can be thanks to some top-notch work by the art team of Carlos Magno (art) and Espen Grundetjern (colors).
“What If’s” are some of the most fun comics because they get to play with traditional comic book conventions. This one takes place in a timeline where Steve Rogers is turned into a werewolf during WWII. And like only Steve can, he turns this affliction to his advantage and uses his new found abilities to try and save the world. Basically, even being a werewolf can’t stop Captain America from Captain American’n. Sticking the landing in a series is no easy task, but Captain Wolf and the Howling Commandos #5 provides and exciting finale issue with a satisfying conclusion to the overall arc. If you have enjoyed reading the first four issues, #5 is an absolute must-read.
Writing – 4 Stars
Art – 5 Stars
Coloring – 4.5 Stars
4.5 Stars
Written by; Stephanie Phillips
Art by; Carlos Magno
Colors by; Espen Grundetjern
Letters by; Travis Lanham
Published by; Marvel Comics
Author Profile
- Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.
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