Review: Children of the Grave #3

JAN211511 - CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE #3 - Previews WorldStory Thus Far:

Children of the Grave is set after an invasion by an undefined alien species called the providers.  Main characters Daniel and female lead Cyrus make their way to meet one of the original mothers and confront the providers unfortunately the meeting Whereas most of the issue is set inside of an alien built Human breeding facility.


Extraordinary. I have a hard time understanding how Sam Romesburg and Ben Rpoberts woke up one morning and chose to integrate dialogue that was as brutally honest, yet as smooth and relevant as what is going on in this issue. Moreover, a character continuing reflection for her past sins is one thing but the implications here are resounding. This is not for the kiddies or weak of mind.


The art was done by Gioelle Fillppo and Coloring done by Sara Fillipo.  The eerie artwork of Gioelle Fillip would translate beautifully to the screen with the right cinematography. Absolutely hitting it on the head with the show me versus the tell me.  Even the Soap Opera like panels have this style that just pulls you in and makes you want more.

 Note to Comic Speculators:

If Hand Maid Tales and the Matrix had a baby, this is it. So, picking up Children of the Grave #1 is the play.  A factor in how fast this gets picked up could hinge on the upcoming series Jupiter Legacy.  Children of the Grave ticks a lot of boxes for a millennial sci-fi franchise: An awesome magic system. A kick-ass yet conflicted female lead (with cool hair).  Several of Scout’s titles are currently in development for film, TV, and streaming, including Solar Flare, Henchgirl.

SCORE: 5/5

Children of the Grave will have just the 1 cover moreover, I did want to point out for collectors that issue #1 does have an Aschan Variant out there.

Writer:  Sam Romesburg & Ben Roberts
Artist:  Gioelle Fillppo
Colorist: Sara Fillppo
Letterer: Justin Birch
Publisher: Scout Comics

Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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