Edenwood Issue two begins where issue one left off. Riot is on the run from the demon military. He has a couple characters with him providing help and support in Bastille and Gundel. There is even a woman who comes on the scene that we do not know much about yet.

Edenwood also provides more insight into the world being created by writer and artist Tony Daniel.

In typical Tony Daniel’s fashion, the art jumps off the page. The detail in every panel is eye grabbing which is supported by the colors done by Leonardo Paciarotti.

The world building continues with new characters reveled at the end of issue two including the establishments of the enchantments of Bastille.

In the first two issues I find myself hooked and ready to discover more of the world being created as well as the relationships being established between characters as this war continues to grow.

Tony Daniel has accomplished a lot in his career creating and writing his own title called The Tenth. He has worked with marvel on titles X-Force and Gambit, with DC on titles Hackman, Action Comics, Flash, Nightwing, Teen Titans and more. His work at Image Comics includes titles Spawn, Humankind, The Tenth, and the amazing run with Scott Snyder and Tomeu Morey for Nocterra.

This title is a must read.

Writing; 4.5 out of 5
Art; 4.5 out of 5
Colors; 4 out of 5

4.5 out of 5

Writing and Art; Tony Daniel
Colors; Leonardo Paciarotti
Letters; Nathan Kempf
Publisher; Image Comics

Author Profile

Thomas Huls


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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