REVIEW: Far Cry: Rite of Passage #2 Like Far Cry

Writer Bryan Edward Hill does an amazing job capturing the Far Cry vibe and making what is essentially a promo comic to promote the sixth game feel like an important part of the ongoing Far Cry story. Existing as a stopgap prior to events of Far Cry 6, the narrative follows the story of Antón Castillo trying to impart wisdom to his son Diego by recounting the failures of powerful men past. The stories Antón tells his son highlights important snippets of previous poplar Far Cry antagonists like Vaas, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed. It perfectly captures the look and feel of the game’s world with its exotic settings, bombastic characters and action movie pacing. 

What Insanity Looks Like

Far Cry: Rite Of Passage #2 focuses on the villain from Far Cry 4 Pagan Min. Here we see Pagan Min in his younger days at the start of his rise to power. The Son of a crime lord, Pagan, quickly took control of Hong Kong’s drug trade with intentions to lash out at the world to break out of his father’s controlled way of doing things. The eccentric gang leader ushered in a new age of rebellious freedom and eventually paid for it as his organization lost structure and eventually turned on him. 

After a firefight in which Pagan destroys those disloyal to him, he sees there is no longer a place for him in Hong Kong. The action scenes are lively, and the art carries it along at a brisk pace, with the neon nights displayed in the panels making this fight scene pop. After this act of betrayal, he decides to leave his roots and inheritance in Hong Kong behind to heads for the snowy Himalayan mountains. 

Family Man

The way the story is told acts as a warning to the young Diego that family is everything, with Pagan acting as a cautionary tale that men who abandon their family end paying for it. The way it’s spun seems like Diego’s father is trying to scare the boy into following his footsteps, so he’s not betrayed by his own son. Once Pagan started his new life, he used his charms to turn would-be assassins into his lovers, and one of them bore him a daughter.

Looking forward to spreading his roots and starting a family, Pagan seemed like he was finally getting what he wanted; however, fate can be a cruel mistress. Through a series of events, his daughter dies, and that concludes the tale of Pagan Min for this issue. We cut back to the father and son heading out on a hunting trip, and the issue ends with the father testing his boy against the unforgiving teeth of a massive crocodile. For a man who preaches trust, he’s not making a great impression on his son. 

Next Issue

This issue is a good piece of what undoubtedly will set the stage for Diego’s mentality in the upcoming Far Cry 6. The next issue hints its story will revolve around the enigmatic Joseph Seed who foresaw the nuking of Hope County. I’m looking forward to reading the other two issues of this story and would highly recommend it for Far Cry fans looking to explore the lore of their favourite egomaniacs.

SCORE: 3/5 Stars

Far Cry fans shouldn’t miss out on this three-issue setup.” 

  Bryan Edward Hill
Artist: Geraldo Borges
Publisher: Dark Horse

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Andrew Roby
Australian Article/Comic Book Writer, Co-Creator of RUSH!, Comic Crusaders Contributor and Bit⚡Bolt on YouTube.


Mr. Wepa

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