Review: Home Sick Pilots #4

Story Thus Far:

Home Sick Pilots displays its Big Screen potential in the first 10 pages of issue #1. Brimming with 80’s Poltergeist Energy and inviting late 90’s punk nostalgia. In issue #1 we were told that the House was haunted, and now everything could be haunted. So, it is up to Ami’s Ghost to collect the objects and bring them back to the creep house. Kind of reminiscent of the old “Friday the 13TH Series”. In this issue #4, It seems that Ami is about to collect the final object. Buzz, one member of the Home Sick Pilot’s Band continues to search the house for Ami to disastrous results. We also got a little more insight into the Classified Big Witch Files Organization.


Good. First it continues to excel in explaining what a character is feeling and thinking, whereas a graphic representation just will not do. But on the other hand it was missing its normal attack on the commercialization of the Punk Sub-culture making it a little less entertaining the past issues.


Caspar Wijngaard (Limbo, Angelic) did the art . First let us start with the design; First, The Snapshot into the Paranormal world inside the house has been nothing short of spectacular. You can see clearly that each ghost has its own story.  As a result, it will be interesting to see if Dan Watters explore this in later issues.  Moreover, I see a lot of potential regarding the Classified organization that was just introduced. I imagine future cosplayers and female car enthusiast take a shot at this.

Note to Comic Speculators:

In conclusion, I keep harping that this would be great tv series adaptation. So Not only do you want to pick up issue #1, but this one has a lot of 1st appearances as well. The sucess of Jupiter legacy will definitely factor into how fast this gets picked up.  

SCORE: 2.8/5

Home Sick Pilots #4 will have 2 covers: Cover A Jamie McKelvie; Cover B Caspar Wijngaard.
Writer: Dan Watters
Artist: Caspar Wijngaard
Designer: Tom Muller
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Publisher: Image Comics

Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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