IT EATS WHAT FEEDS IT #1, is about a college dropout named Kenny who applies to a wanted ad in the classifieds Seeking a young and agile handyman on a sprawling mansion in the swamps of Louisiana. when he arrives, he finds a beautiful but older woman Who offers him a job for free food free boarding and $500 a week all he must do is take care of her and the house.

As all things are real world are all things that are too good to be true are as there is a bigger secret behind why mistress Francois needs his help. It was never quite clear made exactly the real reason she needed him but What is clear is that they are not inside the house alone. There are bigger things at play here and those things are most likely dangerous to Kenny and Francois.

IT EATS WHAT FEEDS IT #1, written by Max Hoven captures that realism of being desperate enough to take whatever life gives you, full well that you may pay dearly for trying to take that path, in the currency of either your life or your soul .

The art by Aaron Crow, and Gabriel Lumazark dramatically captures the creepy feel of the mansion and gives you the feeling that there is danger looking around every corner every crevice it always behind you. The color art perfectly complements the lines to give a contrast in between what world Kenny normally operates in the inside darkness of the house. The character designer Francois is simply perfect as she gives the impression of being highly refined get behind that exterior lies the heart of a killer.

Scout comics has been on a roll delivering quality content. Anyone who underestimates their #1 issues is making a huge mistake and I think the market is starting to pick-up on that fact as IT EATS WHAT FEEDS IT #1, already has gone to a second printing , before it has even shipped out the first print.

There are at least three additional covers in addition to the normal one: There is a DIRECT RETAIL EDITION TAN BACKGROUND COVER (1,500 Print Run); Ashcan Variant (print run unknown); and of course, the Second Print.

5 out of 5 stars

Written by: Max Hoven and Aaron Crow
Art by Gabriel Lumazark
Published by SCOUT COMICS

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