Review: Karmen #3

Statistics continue to demonstrate, that more people are willing to believe in aliens than in the existence of a divine power.   In an even more contradictory turn of events, a higher percentage of people believe in angels than believe in God, which I would have thought go hand in hand.  In Karmen #3, written by Guillem March (Art for The Gotham City Sirens: Union) subliminally investigate these seemingly contradictory notions.

Story Thus Far:

Katalina’s soul continues its excursion through the afterlife.  Her Psychopomp Karmen, continues to escort her explaining it is preparation for reincarnation.  In the meantime, Katalina can visit her parents, something she should have done while alive.  The anchor for this issue is Katalina’s reaction with the recently deceased Enrique. Through his viewpoint the reader gets to see a little bit more of how the afterlife works.  Unfortunately, for Katalina it does not give any more insight to why Karmen has not taken her away yet.


Superb.  The impact of the exposition that March used in this issue is much more profound, than the first two issues. The panels with Enrique and Katalina were amazing First, you have a monologue of Katalina trying to talk to Enrique but really in an ongoing conversation with herself.  Furthermore, this little private self-talk was useful for showing a character pushed and pulled inner-most emotions.  Then the story immediately transitions to dialogue in which the characters are learning about their status as the recently deceased.


Improved. The art creative team consists of Guillem March and Colored by Tony Lopez. There was a big change in direction of the art from issues 1 & 2.  Whereas they were quite gauche and filled with fart jokes and sex jokes, this issue tones it down and focus on letting the background details exhibit the importance of the scenario.

Final Thoughts:

We all know the reason I have been reading” Karmen” was to figure out was going on with the naked ladies on the cover. So, far I have not been disappointed, as the story is so much deeper than I expected.  Karmen, kind of reminds me of the TV Series Dead Like Me”, but a lot sultrier and spicier.

SCORE: 4.5/5

Karmen #3, Will have 3 covers: Cover A by Guillem March; Cover B, Guillem March Guillem March Black, and White Variant Cover (1:25).  Cover C, , Guillem March Guillem Raw Variant Cover (1:50).

Writer: Guillem March
Colorist: Tony Lopez
Publisher: Image Comics


Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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