REVIEW: Knight Terrors #3

The world’s most unexpected possible saviors return in Knight Terrors #3. Deadman and Sandman are oh so close to saving the world or meeting their own demise. Can the heroes find the Nightmare Stone before there are taken by Insomnia’s Sleepless Knights?

Previously, Deadman and Sandman were making pretty good progress in their investigation. The duo is tantalizingly close discovering who Insomnia is and where the Nightmare Stone is before coming under attack. This issue picks up mid-fight. A fight not going particularly well in fact. Backup arrives just in time and the new, amazing duo is made a triumvirate with the addition of Damian Wayne (who is totally not being annoying). Together, all three develop a legitimately genius plan to find the stone. But then they do the horror trope of splitting up. Now they face dangers in the real world and terrors in a new plane. It’s intense and has some outstanding horror elements, including the closest thing to a jump scare you can get in a comic. Writer Joshua Williamson does a great job throwing a lot at the heroes and the readers yet keeping it exciting and coherent.

Like the first two issues, the art, and coloring are fantastic in this issue. The issue takes the characters to a multitude of different places and the art team plays around with different looks and color schemes for them. Overall, the comic is sharp and modern looking. Deadman’s traditional suit being fused with Batman’s looks particularly cool. And the horror is covered well in a flashback to Insomnia’s origin. No spoilers but let’s just say that the way he gets his signature look is as disturbing as you’d imagine. And that may not be the most visual intense scene in the issue. Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Caspar Wijngaard, and Frank Martin’s art really compliments the storytelling.

As a main issue, Knight Terrors #3 has to make big moves. It delivers and is the most eventful issue in the entire series to this point. Insomnia’s backstory is further explored, an additional hero joins the search, and we even learn a secret about Deadman that has never been revealed in his long comic book life. In a series with so many moving parts, including the over twenty mini-series surrounding it, it’s easy to get lost and forget what the main thing is. This issue gets the readers are our heroes back on track and sets up the final act which should be quite the doozy once all the heroes complete their nightmares and the final showdown begins.

Writing – 4,5 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Coloring – 5 Stars

Overall – 4.5 Stars

(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Caspar Wijngaard (CA) Ivan Reis,Danny Miki

Author Profile

Christopher R. Ford
Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.


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