REVIEW: Knight Terrors: Punchline #1
The Joker’s #1 henchwoman, Punchline is the next to be caught up in a very, very bad dream in Knight Terrors: Punchline #1. For her, her seemingly greatest triumph becomes her worst nightmare.
Punchline starts the issue thinking she is immune to the nightmare wave that has struck the DC Universe. Everyone around her in knocked out so she knows something is up, and she even gets bored that her heist is going off without any resistance. She isn’t bummed out too long as a member of the Bat Family does come to spoil the party. But there’s even something off about this hero. And to Punchline’s surprise, she kills one of Gotham’s champions. And then things get weird as she is haunted, stalked, and outright attacked by a nightmare version of her recently slain foe. All of which is taking place in a surprising haunted house location. Danny Lore writes Punchline as cold and calculating a character as she usually is. But there is a tinge of fear as things progress and presenting her in a way she’s never been seen before.
Stylistically, this might be the best-looking comic in the Knight Terrors line so far. Punchline the character looks amazing and her nightmare opponent looks grotesque in the coolest way possible. The full-page panels look great. The action panels look great. The horror-themed panels look great. The sudden shift in colors towards the end looks great. There is one panel in particular where Punchline immolates what a member of the Bat family would do that makes you want to root for her…almost. Artist Lucas Meyers and colorist Alex Guimaraes have created a comic created in the modern art style that is nearly perfect.
Being Harley Quinn’s replacement is no easy task. Punchline is not as “fun” as Harley but she is dark and she is lethal. A perfect character for a nightmare themed storyline. And one the central terrifying questions being posed here is; what happens when no one is around to witness your greatest achievement? Interestingly enough, two characters one might think would show up are conspicuously missing, but this is only part one of the story. And with the way it ends, anything can happen/anyone could show up in issue two. As for now, Knight Terrors: Punchline #1 is a gorgeous nightmare well worth checking out.
Writing – 4 Stars
Art – 5 Stars
Coloring – 4.5 Stars
Overall – 4.5 Stars
Written by; Danny Lore
Art by; Lucas Meyers
Colors by; Alex Guimaraes
Letters by; Steve Wands
Published by; DC Comics
Author Profile
- Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.
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