REVIEW: Knight Terrors: Titans #1
The Justice League’s next generation are stuck in a house of horrors in Knight Terrors: Titans #1. Can a mysterious stranger save the Titans from their worst nightmares?
The story starts like a true classic horror flick. An unknown woman, trapped in a house of horrors, running from zombies. Guided by a voice in her head, she has to track down and free each member of the Titans. The issue moves at a breakneck pace. Too fast actually. With a multi-person team, there simply isn’t enough time to set up or delve deep into each hero’s nightmare. Writer Andrew Constant does an admirable job with the limited time he has, but the issue is short on explanations. There are some clever pop culture references and Beast Boy and Raven’s relationship gets a sweet moment amidst the nightmarish chaos. But overall, there’s untapped potential here.
The art is similarly hit and miss. Because the story moves so fast, the art team doesn’t really get to cook like I’m sure they would’ve liked. Donna Troy’s nightmare-self looks absolutely terrifying but it’s only one page. Starfire only gets on single nightmare panel. Cyborg and Beast Boy’s scenes are the most in-depth and imaginative, and are both standouts. The character designs themselves are a reboot to their looks from a few years ago. The haunted Titan Tower looks appropriately creepy and gives some Shinning vibes. It is a good-looking issue though. Again, it’s just a situation where more time to marinate in each scene would’ve taken better advantage of the good work created by the art team of Scott Godlewski and Ryan Cody.
Knight Terrors: Titans #1 is a classic case of too much to do and too little time to do it. Introducing a new character to lead the issue is a bold move but we’ll have to wait until the second (and final) issue to see if it pays off. Until then, this is a solid issue but questions abound. Who is this new character that’s helping the Titans? Are they all in the same nightmare? And if so, who’s nightmare is it? There is an intriguing twist that has potential to make this one of the most unique nightmare scenarios. But again, we’ll just have to wait and see how this story pans out.
Writing – 3 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Coloring – 3.5 Stars
Overall – 3.5 Stars
Written by; Andrew Constant
Art by; Scott Godlewski
Colors by; Ryan Cody
Letters by; Wes Abbott
Published by; DC Comics
Author Profile
- Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.
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