REVIEW: Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1

Everyone’s favorite super magician gets the spotlight on her in the DC Knight Terrors event as Zatanna stars in Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1. This event is all about DC’s mightiest heroes and most infamous villains slumbering and being trapped in their worst nightmares. But this particular issue has a major twist, Zatanna is wide awake!

Zatanna might be awake, but she’s definitely in a nightmare. Barely able to protect herself from the sleep wave released by Insomnia in Knight Terrors: First Blood, she is trapped and under attack, trying to protect herself and the sleeping Wonder Woman and Detective Chimp. Her foes are powerful and with very limited options she summons one of the few heroes who isn’t asleep, Robotman of the Doom Patrol. Not her first choice but he’s a robot so he is still functioning in the waking world. Together they bicker while the Knight Queen manifest both their nightmares into the real world. This is a genius take om the Knight Terrors concept by writer Dennis Culver. No one, awake or sleep, human or robot can escape the nightmare.

The stylized art in the issue is perhaps the highlight of the issue. Character proportions are slightly exaggerated. Not too much to throw them off, just enough to add some character to well…the characters. Zatanna looks fantastic and Robotman looks like a gold-plated Rockstar. It’s not all hipsters and magicians though because the issue’s adversaries are actually the stuff of nightmares. The Sleepless Queen and her Sleepless Knights are a mix of terrifying and grotesque. And the fact that they are in the real world makes them even more terrifying. The versatile art on display is a testament to the talented art team of David Baldeon and Rain Beredo.

Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1 stands out as the first character specific issue in the series to take place in the waking world. But it expertly incorporates the horror and nightmare themes that have made the overall arc so good to this point. Zatanna and Robotman do have to face their greatest fears and this unlikely team-up actually works. Zatanna seemingly has a very important role to play in the overall story but what is that role exactly? And the ending of this issue is something to behold in-and-of-itself. No spoilers but there is a shocking transformation in the direction of the story. Overall, this is another excellent addition to the Knight Terrors collection.

Writing – 4 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Coloring – 4 Stars

Overall – 4 Stars

Written by; Dennis Culver
Art by; David Baldeon

Colors by; Rain Beredo

Letters by; Pat Brosseau

Published by; DC Comics

Author Profile

Christopher R. Ford
Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.


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