REVIEW: Kroma (TP)

There’s no better way to describe it; reading Korma was pure joy.

If you are like me and have the epic fantasy movies of the 80s imprinted on your subconscious, reading Kroma will feel like coming home. But, even if this is your first foray into the fantasy genre, you’ll find a fun, epic adventure wrapped in breathtaking beauty.

The story follows Korma, who is branded a monster and imprisoned by the people of The Pale City. A black-grey fortress, The Pale City is controlled by a twisted ruler who spreads fear of the evil King of Colors, who threatens from the jungle-like world behind the city walls. But Kroma is different from the inhabitants of the colorless realm, and she catches the eye of a young boy Zet, who aids her in escaping. Once free Kroma adventures onwards to restore color to the city and settle the questions surrounding her mysterious origins.

The writing in Kroma is sublime. De Fleici makes this brand-new world seem familiar almost instantly. The plot consistently subverts your expectations as the dialogue bounces back and forth with lyrical elegance, effortlessly connecting you to the characters and making the sometimes heart-pounding twists and turns leave you spellbound. Considering it’s a reasonably short graphic novel, Korma has a rich sense of myth and lore that often accompanies excellent fantasy works. In particular, with the character of Korma De Felici has created an engaging lead who runs on her instincts with the aura of a mythological warrior.

Most readers will know De Felicis as being a top-level artist. So, It’s no surprise then that the art in Kroma is sublime. Every figure, facial expression and panoramic background has a dream-like elegance. This creates a strong synergy between the light-hearted cartoonish look of the characters inhabiting Korma and the rich fantasy world of dense forests and magical creatures surrounding them.

De Felici flexes his skills by tackling a story with color and the absence of color as its central theme, with fantastic use of color! The sharp and brilliant reds, purples and greens tease the edge of the Place City and build into a delightful display of raw, vibrant color energy as the story comes to a close

Korma is a story that glows with epic fantasy flair. It’s inventive, masterfully written and as visually compelling as any comic you’ll likely read this year.

Writing: 5
Art: 5
Colors: 5

Overall Score: 5/5

Writer: Lorenzo De Felici
Art: Lorenzo De Felici
Publisher: Image Comics

Author Profile

Luke Anthony


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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