REVIEW: Midnight Suns No.1
Poverty as a youth has trained me as an adult to be more of a cabinet over consoles kind of gamer, but the premiere issue of Midnight Suns has more than piqued my interest for this upcoming game more than the trailer ever could have.
Ethan Sacks’ introduction for this tie-in to a console game serves as an excellent entry way into the mystical side of the Marvel Universe, especially for those who may only be knowledgeable from the standpoint of the handful of Dr. Strange appearances in MCU films. I’ve never read an issue of “Strange Academy”, because I assumed that the book is aimed at younger audiences. And though this issue of “Midnight Suns” spends a majority of it’s time in the academy proving my prejudice, I rarely felt like I was reading something that wasn’t age appropriate. Rather, I felt that this tale was inclusive of my audience that may have a full grown beard to the kid just starting to grow peach fuzz.
That said, I instantly fell for Zoe Laveau’s character and wanted to see her protected at all costs, even though from the gate Sacks sets up her character – the picture of innocence, to be the threat that could destroy the entire reality within the story. A solid plot mechanism used so well that even though I may not ever pick up “Midnight Suns” as a game, I might pick up an issue of Strange Academy or (definitely) a solo title starring Laveau in the future.
Zoe serves as the Nico Minaru that had me pick up “Runaways” as a kid, or the Sienwickz renditions of Magik that piqued my interest in “New Mutants” in my late teens, when all I would read was “Uncanny …” like it was the only X book that mattered. I don’t find it coincidental that both of these characters are now alongside Zoe in “Midnight Suns” to pass the torch to Zoe as another of Marvel’s mystic maiden’s that can be found and cherished deep within the company’s extensive lore.
But the selection of this team doesn’t only have the female’s getting shine : Blade (needs that afro back from his 70’s “Tomb” days) and Doctor Vodoo (That Doctor title has such a nice touch after decades of just “Brother”) plus Doom pop up as well; and of course Marvel’s mutant workhorse Wolverine looks to be staying throughout the duration of this tale.
Personally I would have chosen a different character other than Logan to get in on this. Maybe one with more magical ties … but every title needs a mascot according to the business side of selling stories. And though I enjoyed the new Spirit Rider’s brief appearance in Rebecca Roanhorse’s “Pheonix Song” series last year, I would have rather had Alejandra Jones make a return to the Ghost Rider mantle. Both her and Wolverine in this title could have easily been swapped out I believe (observing from the starting point here) for better of the long run for this series.
But since Wolverine’s already in the game, again his spot is reserved here in this book. But Kushala isn’t even in the game, Reyes is. And that leads “Midnight Suns” to more scrutiny as Spirit Rider is now a token character, Wolverine is a mascot and these two facts are too obvious .
Inclusion of different characters instead would have been better suited for a book about the hidden arts. But other than that casting fiasco, “Midnight Suns” as a team book, is off to a great start. An excellent utilization of comic books as promotional tool not only for console games, but for the spot where the stories are started in the first place. Now if only Sacks could get the green light to write some solo titles for the more unsung heroes of this group, then we’d really be going somewhere …
SCORE: 3.5/5
(W) Sacks, Ethan (A) Zagaria, Luigi (CA) David Nakayama
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- Poet. Philosopher. Journalist. Purveyor of Truths.
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