Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #2
In the middle of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II issue 2 there is a scene where Splinter and Zordon discuss the weight of sending their respective children to battle. It is a heartfelt moment about the responsibility they feel for putting teenagers on the front lines. These are the types of moments that lift crossovers like this.
Ryan Parrott understands this and dots the issue with small moments of humor and heart. Seeing unique combinations of characters in conversation is just as important at seeing exciting matchups. Having April O’Neil talk with Bulk and Skull or having Mikey teach Trini the art of a well placed pun in battle adds depth to the story. We also get added stakes here as Rita and Krang’s massive army now includes Casey Jones as Ranger X. The Rangers and Turtles spend much of the issue assuming Casey has been mind controlled. Only after a massive battle in which they break his hockey stick without any change does he tell them that he has a clear mind but a deeper motivation for his actions.
The story finds Rita and Krang sending a massive combined army of villains to Angel Grove to break into the Command Center. They bring with them a pantheon of villains including Casey Jones, now known as Ranger X. All of the heroic teenagers are able to tag team use of the Power Morphers for a convenient 26 minutes. With a ‘Power-Bunga!’ battle cry they work together to take down cronies. But the attack is just a cover for a smaller contingent of villains who attack the Command Center. They are there for a specific mission but decide to take a side trip to destroy Alpha and Zordon. Their mission is interrupted at the end of the issue by the arrival of Shredder, apparently here to join our heroes.
The art by Dan Mora is detailed and every character and moment is clear and perfectly rendered. The art works best when the colors by Raul Angulo use some darker, sharper tones. The depiction of Krang is gloriously creepy and Ranger X is just as cool as you’d want a mysterious villain to be. This story need more surprises to lift the series to a truly epic place, but thus far it is a fun romp with so many of our classic favorites.
Writing: 4.0 of 5 stars
Art: 4.3 of 5 stars
Colors: 4.2 of 5 stars
Overall: 4.1 of 5 stars
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Art: Dan Mora
Colors: Raul Angelo
Publisher: BOOM Studios
Author Profile
- M.R. Jafri was born and raised in Niagara Falls New York and now lives with his family in Detroit Michigan. He's a talkative introvert and argumentative geek. His loves include Star Wars, Star Trek, Superheroes, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Transformers, GI Joe, Films, Comics, TV Shows, Action Figures and Twizzlers.
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