Story Thus far:

Primordial has been capturing an alternate universe that centers on the history of Space Travel, and the fact that animals were the real pioneers of space flight.  In the latest issue the animals (inspired by their real life counterparts) have traveled not just to space but what we can presume to be either another universe or another dimension.

In the current issue of Primordial #5 Albie (Albert), Missy Baker, and Laika (the Russian stray mongrel puppy), all have survived together and are now headed back to Earth.  Also of keynote though the animals have survived and stayed the same, when they return, decades have passed.  The problem is that the Earth is not the same, as when they left.  Currently under Soviet Russian leadership, Yelena, Laika’s handler feels that the dog is still alive and now traveled to send her a message.


Sufficiently confusing. Jack Kirby reminiscent.  I have nothing against the lines or colors. The content that artist Andrea Sorrentino is trying to portray is very complicated, but I didn’t really see anything to crazy splash panel wise.  The thing is it panels are damn near madnesss, because a lot of the higher-concepts they decided to show me, but without much explanation.


Incredibly rushed, and I get it because Jeff Lemire only has 6 issues to get it done.  I’ll admit my 1st world prejudice, against some of the international implications in here, but Lemire probably should have taken more time with it.

By that I mean, some of the stuff that was happening on Earth with Yelena was way more interesting than what was happening to the Animals.  That’s what I want to see because the U.S.S.R apparently takes over the earth?  I needed more dialogue to explain what was going on there.  It may have been worth Lemire’s time to make a connection between the Russian Space Program, its dual use for military research, and how the stuff with Laika, Baker, and Albie led to it becoming a premiere superpower in this book.

SCORE: 2.5/5


Currently in the Pipe Jeff Lemire has: Sweet Tooth season 2; Essex County; Black Hammer; and Gideon Falls.  So it wouldn’t be such a stupid bet to take a chance on Primordial #1 (OF 6) CVR I 100 COPY INCV Lemire because it kind of does have all three Animals on the cover.

Writers: Jeff Lemire

Artist: Andrea Sorrentino

Color Artist: Dave Stewart

Letterer & Design: Steve Wands

GENRE: Science Fiction, Fantasy

Publisher: IDW

Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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