Review: Scarlet Sisters One-Shot
Dynamite Entertainment have made a commitment to Project Superpowers and their exaggerated cast of characters. Given how that team crosses Dynamite’s version of the multiverse, there are plenty of ways to go. This one shot then, looks to establish not just one but three ladies in red.
A mysterious cult like power is looking to make inroads into the New York criminal and political worlds. In doing so, they have killed a few people, hurt others and done something hinted to another. These actions have brought the cult to the attention of the Scarlet Sisters, Masquerade, Lady Satan and the Woman in Red, with nary a Chris Rea song in sight.
Alex Segura writes something of an introduction story set, seemingly, halfway through its own tale. The cult is already formed, the Sisters are are already formed. With the idea that this book could lead to a regular book or mini-series, Segura plants hints and nods to the past, whilst leaving breadcrumbs and questions for readers, if they care enough to follow them. The action scenes are a tad chaotic, though the pacing works for the boo, though they are interspersed with quiet plot driven scenes. The dialogue reminds of the old Brave and the Bold series, where characters speak in a long expositional manner about things that the reader should know. The tone then doesn’t alway gel with the need to actually introduce the main story beats.
If the writing of the action scenes can be described as chaotic, then the art from Emiliana Pinna is consistently inconsistently chaotic. Looking at the Sisters characters; it’s as if an editor has said, “We need a sexy trio for a book dressed in red”, and another editor has said, “Don’t make them too sexy oh and one has to wear a knock off Scarlet Witch costume.” The latter editor unfortunately won out. There is nothing sexy about any of the Sisters, with body shapes changing at will, faces even more so to the point where square jaws appear and mouths disappear. There is also mixed influences on show which adds a further lack of clarity. Colors are supplied by Ellie Wright who goes for a lighter scheme than I might have expected considering we are dealing with magic users on both the sides of the angels and demons. At least there is a consistent approach on show, as there is from letterer Jeff Eckleberry. It’s a Dynamite book so there is a raft of covers; you can’t go wrong with the Joseph Michael Linsner cover A.
This is a book that I was intrigued with, from the cover coupled with the few Masquerade appearances I have. Maybe it’s me, maybe my expectations are too high. After all, who would expect a book about three ladies dressed in red and thigh high boots to be sexy?
Writing – 2.5 Stars
Art – 2.5 Stars
Colors – 3 Stars
Overall – 2.5 Stars
Written by; Alex Segura
Art by; Emiliana Pinna
Colors by; Ellie Wright
Letters by; Jeff Eckleberry
Cover by; Joseph Michael Linsner
Published by; Dynamite Entertainment
Author Profile
- I am a long time comic book fan, being first introduced to Batman in the mid to late 70's. This led to a appreciation of classic artists like Neal Adams and Jim Aparo. Moving through the decades that followed, I have a working knowledge of a huge raft of characters with a fondness for old school characters like JSA and The Shadow
Currently reading a slew of Bat Books, enjoying a mini Marvel revival, and the host of The Definative Crusade and Outside the Panels whilst also appearing on No-Prize Podcast on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network
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