Review: Seidr #1
I don’t like to sound old but it’s not often that I come across a story or idea that is unfamiliar to me. I’ve been around the block a few times and most stories have sprinkles of other story ideas mixed in that make them familiar in one way or the other. To my pleasant surprise, Seidr #1 by Michael Nunnely was fresh, original and intriguing from first to last. This is the charm of indie comics and Omen Comics in particular, they are pushing the boundaries on new storytelling and exposing readers to stories from creators who would otherwise not have their story heard.
Seidr, by its own admission, is a fusion of horror, fantasy and historical fiction. Inhabiting the pages of this first issue are Vikings, Valkyries, zombies, volva (witches) and their seidr (magic). On its face the story is a straightforward one, a group of Vikings embark on a raid — cue the battle and bloodshed. However, the story quickly takes a left turn that I will not reveal lest I ruin the plot of the book. Suffice it to say this is where the zombies and other paranormal story elements fit in. Additionally, this first issue tells this story in a clever way – encapsulating it within testimony at a murder trial. Once again, I won’t spoil the plot for you but the murders and murderer will take on added significance as the story unfolds. The writing is clever, inventive and utilizes elements of Norse history and mythology that I was not familiar with.
The artwork by co-creator Tosin Awosika is drawn to an above average standard though I found that the artwork could be somewhat inconsistent from panel to panel. Awosika’s art style is a mixture of traditional comic art with a hint of realism thrown in from time to time. This realism can really add spice and pop to his panels when uses it and I found myself wanting more of this. Some of the close ups of faces and action scenes are absolutely beautiful and his inking, still somewhat inconsistent, is incredibly effective at times. When he is truly on the inkwork in this book is fantastic and gives great depth to the panels. My two true critiques are that some panels feel out of place, especially those showing wide shots or panoramic action. Additionally, the color feels flat and, while not subtracting from the art, does not add the pop and polish I would hope for. The shading is usually two tone and flat and I hope that future issues will bring more dynamism.
Seidr is an excellent book that is intriguing and promising in equal parts. Part one of this unfolding story ends, it is part one of a three part mini, and I immediately wanted part two. This is the hallmark of great writing, the ability to hook the reader and leave them begging for more. Additionally, while I was critical of the artwork, I must stress that the art does an above average job at telling the story and my critique is there because, as a reader of comic books, I’m always greedy for more and better art. (I’m demanding like that) These are the kinds of books we must support as fans of comics and indie comics in particular. These are the voices that are the future of the industry and I hope you will pick this book up. I particularly recommend this book to those who are fans of zombies, magic, fantasy, historical fiction or Vikings.
Writing – 4.5 of 5 Stars
Art – 3.5 of 5 Stars
Inking – 3.75 of 5 Stars
Color – 3 of 5 Stars
Overall Score – 3.75 of 5 Stars
Co-Creators: Michael Nunnely, Tosin Awosika
Writer: Micheal Nunnely
Art: Tosin Awosika
Letters: Guido Martines
Publisher: Omen Comics
Author Profile
- Nemesis is a poet, writer and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game. He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers. Besides novels and short stories he writes for UK based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC. Nem is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.
He lives and works out of his home in Riverside, California with his wife and three children. When not writing he enjoys reviewing comic books and graphic novels for ComicCrusaders.com and living the Southern California life with his family.
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