Story Thus far:

Gwen Stacy becomes Quantumly entangled when a superstar, named the Finale, Zapps Gwen entangling her and the other Gwens from different universes. Now the Gwens must race against the clock to stop the madness and the other Gwens.

In the current issue of Spider-Gwen: Gwen Verse #4, the templates of Gwen; Captain America; Wolverine; Thor Gwen and Iron Man travel to another dimension to stop NightBird and the Doctor (A variant of DOC Octavius and Chlithu) from opening and traveling to another portal to kill one of the other templates.

In this issue we are introduced to template modeled after Captain Marvel.  Additionally, we meet the Gwen-verses version of the Sinister Six, the Terminal Six, most importantly introduced to the concept of the Yith Shadow Templates.


Kudos Belongs to the creative team because this book had a lot of moving parts.  The art creative team consisted of Artist(s): Jodi Nishijima; Colorist(s): Juan Fernandez and the continue to turn in quality work.  The challenge in this book was displaying a fight between two teams, while also keeping the feel of a city landscape intact, and the team succeeded


This issue by itself made the series worth it. Not too bogged down by explanations and introductions. It may be preferable to use this as issue1-2, instead of waiting for issue #4.  SPIDER-GWEN GWENVERSE #4 does very well in exploring the futility of living with a perceived sense of purpose, only for it to later be turned on its head.


The premise would be a great script, and hopefully it gets some attention soon.  But it’s hard to tell where it would fall into the current Kang the Conqueror Saga.  Or could it possibly spin-off whatever they planed for Madame Webb?


NightBird(Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen Vol 1 #1); Spider-Zero (Spider-Verse (Vol. 3) #1 (October, 2019), also this the Great Race of Yith (1st partial was in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Mystic Arcana: The Book of Marvel Magic #1 (June, 2007)) The Great Race of Yith is a fictional race created by H.P. Lovecraft in “The Shadow Out of Time”.

Rating: 3/5 stars

Its a step up from your normal Spider-Gwen fare.  The only knock is that most likely nothing will change after this storyline is done

Covers: SPIDER-GWEN GWENVERSE #4 will have two covers: CVR A David Nakayama; CVR B Greg Land Homage;

Author(s): Tim Heely
Artist(s): Jodi Nishijima
Colorist(s): Juan Fernandez
Letterer: Aruana Maher
GENRE: Super-Hero, Science-Fiction, Teen
Publisher: Marvel

Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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