Review: Star Wars The High Republic #15
Cavan Scott and Ario Anindito are the best creative team in comics right now, so it is sad to see this book end. Thankfully it ends in epic fashion with a fitting send off to Lourna Dee, Avar Kriss and the heroes of this book. Keeve Trennis and Sskeer are such well developed characters at this point that their separation has massive stakes. Thankfully neither is clearly killed off even as Starlight Beacon comes crashing down.
The issue begins with a beautiful and horrific depiction of the Nameless carrying out a psychic assault against Keeve. The horrors that haunt Jedi like childhood nightmares have become Marchion Ro’s greatest weapon in this final arc of the first phase of the High Republic saga. The villains fade but leave behind a dead Jedi Nooranbakarakana. Sskeer helps Keeve and holds the line against the monsters as Keeve and Avar escape.
The remaining Jedi flee the Starlight Beacon which has been torn asunder. A group flee to the Ataraxia but face the Nihil and the escaping Lourna Dee. Estela Maru and Avar hold their half of the Starlight together as long as they can using the combined might of the Jedi. Keeve goes to the infirmary to save Ceret and Terec. As the Beacon falls apart Maru names Avar their shining light. He sacrifices himself even as the droid Kaycee forces Avar to an escape pod. Keeve, the twins and Avar make it to the planet’s surface as their portion of the Beacon burns in Eiram’s atmosphere.
The two keys to this book are the art and the absolute focus on characters that we know and love. These heroes have been built up through this book, are truly heroic and are willing to sacrifice all for each other. Some of the other late phase books and comics are drowning in too large a cast and too much focus on dull romantic drama. This book is sharp, action packed and keeps the focus on characters we care about.
The art cannot be overstated. Anindito along with Mark Morales and Victor Olazaba are a force to be reckoned with. This is the greatest Star Wars art we have ever had. The colors by Carlos Lopez are perfect, creating a searing spectacle which leaves its mark well after we put the book down.
It is such a shame to lose this team just as they have grown to this level. Here’s hoping Cavan Scott and this art team can be reunited in the future because this book is glorious and we need more.
Writing: 4.8 of 5 stars
Art: 4.9 of 5 stars
Colors: 5.0 of 5 stars
Overall: 4.9 of 5 stars
Writer: Cavan Scott
Art: Ario Anindito
Inks: Mark Morales and Victor Olazaba
Colors: Carlos Lopez
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Author Profile
- M.R. Jafri was born and raised in Niagara Falls New York and now lives with his family in Detroit Michigan. He's a talkative introvert and argumentative geek. His loves include Star Wars, Star Trek, Superheroes, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Transformers, GI Joe, Films, Comics, TV Shows, Action Figures and Twizzlers.
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