REVIEW: Stray Dogs #3 (of 5)

Image Comics Stray Dogs #3 Comic Book [Horror Movie Homage Variant]Story Thus Far:

Sophie, the newest addition to the foster home for dogs, has amnesia. She does remember that her current “Master” killed her previous owner. The other dogs do not believe her, because Master has been so good to them for as long as they can remember.  Slowly other dogs are starting to recall minute details that leave the impression the Master is not who he claims to be.  As the rest of the Dogs start to realize that something is amiss, a traitor among their ranks has been revealed.


First, the back and forward dog-to-dog dialogue was revealing yet heart breaking.  Secondly, I love the way that none of the panels are wasted; the bubbles were filled with need-to-know information or were poignantly emotional.  A problem that I have been having with a lot of current comic books, is too much exposition vomited on the panels with no organization, making it a pain to read.  A credit to layout lead Tone Rodriguez who made it easy on the eyes and brain here.


Stray Dogs #3 was drawn by Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner “, and colored by Marissa Louise & Triona Farrell.  The panels feel like a labor of love dedicated the Nine old Men, that used to draw some of Disney’s best stuff during the Xerox Technology phase.  The grungy look of the 101 Dalmatians is ever present with a mixture of straggly character lines and powdery backgrounds.


Note to Comic Speculators:

I cannot recommend this book enough.  I dare someone to tell me that this would not be a great script for a movie or limited TV series.  Normally, The play here would normally be the first issue, but I can say without a doubt that any speculation has been killed off by the glut of retailer exclusives (that look terrible by the way). The Movie Poster Parody covers?! Amazing Except for one.  I suggestion is to not wait for the dip on this one.

SCORE: 4/5

Writer: Tony Fleecs
Artist:  Trish Forstner
Colorist: Brad Simpson
Layouts: Tone Rodriguez
Publisher: Image Comics


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Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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