REVIEW: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Splinters Fate – One Shot

Earlier this year we saw the new game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Splinters Fate game be released on Apple Arcade. So far we are seeing very positive reviews of the game with the main complaint being that it is only available on Apple Arcade. In spite f that and due to the success of the game, IDW is dropping a One Shot with the same title.

The One Shot starts with a great action scene as the Turtles fight off what looks to be a gang put together by Shredder and led by Karai. One of the things you will notice right away is the stunning art work done by Pablo Verdugo. You might be familiar with Pablo’s work on Hollywood Trash with Mad Cave Studios or his own title Mr.Beaver published by Action Labs. The turtles pop on every page with Pablo’s unique artistic style. The turtles are more muscular and well defined.

This one shot is written by Henry Barajas who you may know from his work with Image Comics top Cow for Helm Greycastle or with Skybound for Creepshow. He is also best known for his graphic memoir about his Great-Grandfather Ramon Jaurigue titled La Voz De MAYO Tata Rambo.

This blend between Henry’s writing and Pablo’s art seem to be a great fit in this One Shot. This is a recommend from me!

Writing 4 out of 5
Art; 4.5 out of 5
Colors 4 out of 5

Score 4 out of 5

Written by; Henry Barajas
Art by; Pablo Verdugo
Colors by; Gigi Dutreix
Letters by; Shawn Lee
Published by; IDW Publishing

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Mr. Wepa

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