Review: Timeless #1
Story Thus far:
This is the latest series about Nathaniel Richards also known as Kang, fresh after the Kang the Conqueror series written by Colin Kelly. In that series Kang travels through time to mentor his younger self to hopefully construct a better version. The only problem is that the junior version ignored the senior’s advice and becomes distracted by Ravonna. Ironically that action results in her death and drives him to become the Kang he was always destined to be.
In the current issue of Timeless #1, the newly motivated Kang has as new motivational drive… the challenge. But he doesn’t just want the challenge, he wants a companion to observe, and later record for prosperity all about Kang.
Let get right down to it, Jed Mackay has paired Kang down to a guy who derives pleasure from killing animals and people for sport, is also someone who likes to be watched. Isn’t that just an exhibitionist?
The big reason that a lot of readers might have tuned in was the fact the Ms. Minutes was right there on the cover, in the hope that there might have been some type of connection to the Loki series. But nope. She doesn’t make it in here.
The art by Kev Walker; Greg Land; Jay Leisten; Mark Bagley; Andrew Hennessy coloring by Marte Gracia, lettering by Ariana Maher. The art is actually pretty good. Plenty of action. The futuristic landscapes were good, and the character design of Nathaniel Richards out f costume was great as well .
The Community was way a head because of the Miss minute covers but, there are plenty of goodies inside, depicting the proposed future of the Marvel Universe. Here’s the problem this Jed Mackay, and in the last 5 years any new character not associated with the name Cates, Bendis, Hickman, or Ewing has not gotten much play, but we will have to if it sticks.
Timeless #1 , Has 10 Covers: Cvr A By Kael Ngu; Cvr B Ramos Miss Minutes Variant; And Cover C Coello Stormbreakers ; Cover D, Cassara Stormbreakers; Bustos Stormbreakers; Silva Stormbreakers; Gleason Stormbreaker; Momoko Stormbreakers; Heck Hidden Gem Variant [1:50] My Current Favorite Being Cover B Cvr B Ramos Miss Minutes
Final Verdict: Timeless #1, does have its issues, but it must have for collectors. 4 stars out of 5.
WRITER Jed Mackay
Artist(s): Kev Walker; Greg Land; Jay Leisten; Mark Bagley: Andrew Hennessy
Colorist(s): Marte Gracia
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