Not a celebrator of socially exalted days supported by colonialism and the Christendom, by the basis of this latest TMNT cover, I was ready to pass it up. Then, all of a sudden I took a look at the heading and saw that Eastman style, happy to find that one of the originators of the Hero’s in A Half Shell was on board with this storyboard. And that’s how the issue plays out, like a storyboard, because it is delivered in a silent style like the infamous Deadpool book “Funeral For A Freak”.

Respects are paid to past members of the Turtle family as they reminisce over those they have lost, and new characters make appearances as well as the story contains a subplot where the characters are searching for a group of weasels. Odd as that was, I still don’t understand why the Turtles have a cat and the cat isn’t mutated. And I am unsure if the Shredder was meditating or if that was his grandson after still anticipating the finale to the “Last Ronin”, but hey, here this is ! The art is not as soft or childish as the monthly TMNT (or anything with Jenneka in it). The pages are chilled with a somber tone, and the snow in N.Y. looks as if it touches the inside of the sewers.

The Turtles have more than matured for a long while now and their semi-flashbacks put the stamp on their age, but “Mutant Ninja Turtles” will never have the same ring to it without the first “T”.
With this book IDW has published the only holiday special that I will be reading in awhile, and even though it came out of left field, now I can say that I spent the holidays with my family on these pages, and I’ll be damned if these Turtles don’t make you feel more welcome and warm than a room full of humans ever could around a yule tide log.

Score : 5/5

(W) Sophie Campbell (A) Jodie Nishijima (CA) Kevin Eastman


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C.V.R. The Bard
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