REVIEW: Transformers Beast Wars No.11

The pencils under Burcham may still be too soft, the colors a bit too bright; but somehow despite this the savagery of a Maximal/Predacon battle is still thoroughly translated by Burnham in the latest issue of “Beast Wars”. Hats off to M. Wood for lettering the onomonopeia’s to where I could hear the transforming sound effect loud and clear in my head as I read this.

After months of intel build up and betrayal sequences, to see the Maximals and Predacons go at it is a treat not to be missed. For those who see story building issues as filler, this is the best hop on point for readers just into loud action sequences that would inspire Michael Bay to hop back in the driver’s seat for another unneeded script-to-screen adaptation of the Transformers mythos.
A credit I do give to Burcham is the gorgeous full page he did of the Maximal discovery of the Predacons’ ship interior. That page was hyper realistic and should have honestly been the template for the rest of the book.

Razorback is quickly becoming one of my favorite Predacons. His duplicitous nature, a dark horse of sorts in the shape of an underestimated threat. The Lenny in this “Mice or Men” tale. Burnham is doing for him what the anime did for Black Arachnia. And as the 25th anniversary of the definitive Transformers series continues, the characters under Burnham’s pen are more fleshed out than metallic, but athe pencil work needs a dirtier touch as the battle between Maximal & Predacon continues to rage on.

Score : 3/5

(W) Erik Burnham (A) Josh Burcham (CA) VenBlu

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C.V.R. The Bard
Poet. Philosopher. Journalist. Purveyor of Truths.


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