Review: Web of Venom: Empyre’s End #1

Web of Venom Empyre’s End is a great idea with solid writing by Clay McLeod Chapman unfortunately limited by artistic execution. This issue works to be a bridge between the two major crossovers of the year. As the empire crossover ends and the Venom crossover begins this issue works to show how the Skrull and Kree united troops must deal with the arrival of Knull to the edges of their space. It uses the classic sci-fi trope of a small group of advanced party answering a distress call.

Talos is awakened by General Kalamari and tells him the story of his small advanced team visiting Gnarrat. The tale introduces us to the Kree and Skrull team as they venture into the unknown darkness that is overtaking planets. They explore the quiet planet and find floating pods. They open a pod to discover a horrifying symbiote.

The art is by Guiu Villanova and in the first part of the issue is extremely well done. The ominous buildup and venomous reveal of the symbiote is handled perfectly. Unfortunately after the first symbiote attacks and more appear the art becomes less monstrous and more silly. A full page meant to convey the scope of the horror of the symbiote threat simply shows a few symbiotes flying through space. The symbiotes in the second half of the issue simply look like 90s Venom clones. What is a fantastic ominous tale in every other way is undercut by very standard symbiotes which feel way too familiar to truly be haunting.

Symbiotes on the page can take any shape and configuration. Limiting them to more familiar appearances robs some of the horror of the remainder of the book. The book ends as it must, with the death of many of our heroes, few survivors and the revelation that Knull and the Symbiote army have arrived. 

Writing: 4.0 of 5 stars
Art: 3.4 of 5 stars
Colors: 4.0 of 5 stars

Overall: 3.7 of 5 stars

Pick up your copy of Web of Venom Empyre’s End #1 Now!

Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman
Artist: Guiu Villanova
Colors: Frank D“Armata
Publisher: Marvel Comics


Author Profile

M.R. Jafri
M.R. Jafri was born and raised in Niagara Falls New York and now lives with his family in Detroit Michigan. He's a talkative introvert and argumentative geek. His loves include Star Wars, Star Trek, Superheroes, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Transformers, GI Joe, Films, Comics, TV Shows, Action Figures and Twizzlers.


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