REVIEW: You’ve Been Cancelled Issue 3 (of 4)

Just when you think you know where a story is going, the comic pages are pulled write from under you. In the first two issues of You’ve Been Cancelled we have seen Roland Endo go from fan favorite to becoming cancelled all in what seems to be 24 hours. After years at the top of the cancelling food chain, things just took a turn for the worse and Roland is trying to figure out why.

Issue three we find out a lot of information as to why but we won’t get into that here. What I will share is the story writing, art, and colors are amazing. In these first 3 issues a word has not been wasted showing the planning that has gone into this story. The trust Curt and Kevin in each others abilities is evident because between them the story is intertwined between words and pictures which leads to an action packed series.

In issues three the action scenes are taken to another level. The scenes are exciting, the details of the conflict vivid, and the colors come off the page from Jason. All together, if you have read the first two issues you are already adding this to your pull list. There is no way you could stop after just issue two.

It has been great to read as a comic fan and I cannot recommend You’ve Been Cancelled enough. It is a mature audience read as there are sex and fighting scenes that lead to death.

Writing; 5 out of 5
Art; 5 out of 5
Colors; 5 out of 5
Letters; 5 out of 5

Score 5 out of 5

Written by; Curt Pires
Art by; Kevin Castaniero
Colors by; Jason Wordie
Letters by; Micah Myers
Editor; James B. Emmett
Publisher; Mad Cave


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