Advance Review: Friendo #5
Since I reviewed Friendo 4 I’ve had the opportunity to read the previous issues and explore the deeper story of the series. I drew a number of correct conclusions from the review but having the full context of the series has proven to be insightful as I review the final issue. Friendo remains a savage commentary on modern life in an America not far separated from our own. It definitely retreads ground thoroughly stomped on by the likes of films Robocop why consumerism has run amok and corporations are often the root of many evils. But nothing is sacred and nothing is spared in this series from religion, to politicians, to internet celebrity and even you and me.
This issues is the climax of the story or perhaps more accurately the purposeful anticlimax. Leo grievously wounded and possibly dying last issue is on a sort of vision quest for the thing that he thinks will make him happy and whole as his life drifts away, the Action Joe action figure. This toy was the key to his joining modern society as a child as his fanatically religious father had kept him secluded from every possible sin up until that moment when social services finally intervened.The toy at the center of his journey is in fact a toxic hunk of plastic and like so many of past mistakes was buried in mass decades ago to be forgotten. The trouble of course is that nothing truly stays buried. The poison of the Action Joy is both material and metaphysical and represents a rotting of both flesh and soul which is reflected in the imagery used in the book. Leo’s artificial buddy Jerry continues to degrade in appearance along with Leo, another reflection of both Leo and the country at large.
Leo’s attempts to gain some sort of vengeance on the world ultimately has little effect as one might expect as one man cannot take on the system by himself and yet he has become the fulcrum that allows others to take some action even if it may well be futile in the end. The finale is a fascinating one as Jerry continues to take active measures to protect and care from Leo no matter what the cost may be in the end. I wont spoil it, you really should see all this for yourself.
Not much to add here that I hadn’t said with Friendo 4. The art is solid and appropriate for the series, reflecting the words and intent of the author perfectly in both lines and colors.
With the final chapter told Friendo takes cynical to new heights. It’s social commentary of the sort that is like a stick getting slowly jammed through your eye. If you dig movies like Brazil or Robocop and aren’t afraid to take a few lumps while reading a comic book this one is for you! 5 out of 5!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Writer: Alex Paknadel
Art: Martin Simmonds
Colors: Dee Cunniffe
Publisher: Vault Comics
Diamond Order Code: DEC182150
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