Advance Review: Star Trek – Kirk-Fu Manual

Star Trek Kurk Fu Manual CoverJab, duck, pinch, forward roll; the Kirk-Fu of Trek is as much a legend as the great Starship Enterprise herself.  Veteran Star Trek novelist Dayton Ward and illustrator Christian Cornia present a humorous but respectful look back at the iconic Captain James Tiberius Kirk as portrayed by William Shatner during the iconic sixties TV show.

Beloved but most definitely over the top in every way, Shatner’s Kirk was the consummate man’s man, man about space.  Every episode he was either winning space battles, wooing women of every species and color, monologuing into his Captain’s Log, engaging in Kirk-Fu or some combination of all of the above.  Sitting here in my captains chair (Yes I really have one and you Star Trek fans will know what I’m talking about) I freely admit that I was, and still am, a huge fan.  Kirk was the gold standard of Starfleet Captains; a combination of wit, bravado, and rugged masculinity.  All of that said, I think most fans will recognize that Shatner’s performances and feats of daring do were vintage sixties and, in this day and age, are hilariously exaggerated.  Enter then the Kirk-Fu Manual, published by Insight Editions and Simon and Schuster.

The Kirk-Fu manual is an immersive tome that illuminates various moments of martial legerdemain from the original Star Trek run.  Presented as an authentic military training manual, Ward never deviates and maintains the illusion that you, the reader, are an actual Starfleet Cadet who is studying Kirk’s feats for use in the field.  Sprinkled throughout the book are references to fights with Khan, the Gorn Captain, Spock and others.  Each time, Ward writes using Kirk’s voice and speaks in an authentic tone that evokes feelings of nostalgia and allows the devoted fan/reader to be transported back to the original series and those special moments we experienced when watching the show.  However, Cornia’s fantastic artwork underscores the tongue in cheek nature of this book.  Additionally, his hilariously excellent fighting manual illustrations highlight the’educational’ segments that go along with each fighting technique.

What really makes this book special though is the obvious love and attention to detail that Ward and Cornia have for the source material.  Sprinkled throughout the book are little Easter eggs that surprise, captivate and delight.  In one section you will find a memo signed by Admiral Heihachiro Nogura with an accurate star date to boot.  Nogura was the oft mentioned director of Starfleet during the original series.  William Shatner lends his signature, as Kirk, to the forward of the book from Kirk himself.  Each fighting illustration and accompanying artwork is tied directly to a moment from the original series.  Ward also includes moments from Kirk’s log which expand upon what happened in those moments and gives the reader a deeper look into Kirk the man.  This was an unexpected but welcome addition to a book that I thought would focus on humor.  Finally, the book give the reader/Starfleet Cadet an exam at the end and includes a certificate of course completion from The United Federation of Planets and Starfleet academy.  No detail has been overlooked or exploited; it is simply provided as is.  It is a wonderful experience

This book was a treasure to read and one I will enjoy often in the years to come.  It examines the subject of Kirk-Fu with the humor it deserves, something fans often do as well, without letting that examination lapse into farce.  That a special Spock-Fu section is included at the end of the book is a humorous and welcome addition.  It should be the goal of every book like this evoke images of nostalgia and to recapture the magic from the source material.  I can say unreservedly that Ward and Cornia succeed at this.  I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of Star Trek or Captain Kirk.

Writing – 5 of 5 Stars
Art – 5 of 5 Stars
Value – 5 of 5 Stars

Overall Score 5 of 5 Stars


Writing – Dayton Ward
Illustrations – Christian Cornia
Published by Insight Editions

Author Profile

Nemesis is a poet, writer and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game. He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers. Besides novels and short stories he writes for UK based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC. Nem is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.

He lives and works out of his home in Riverside, California with his wife and three children. When not writing he enjoys reviewing comic books and graphic novels for and living the Southern California life with his family.


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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