Australia Day Review: Yours In Murder Mr. Monster

G“Day Crusaders,

This is Dodgy in the mix bringing you Yours in Murder Mr. Monster by Gwynn Earl (art and writer). Proudly published by Blacklab.

In 1977 New York was living a moment of terror involving the deaths of young women being murdered, the suspect was known to the police as the 44 Calibre Killer and later popularly known as the Son of Sam. Since the arrest of David Berkowitz the terror was over, not for the police protecting the streets.

Since the year of the release of The ”˜Necronomicon“ was released in the Magikal Childe store Berkowitz carried out his murders, are there copycats out there?

The story begins in the Magikal Childe store in New York City, where we see the shopkeeper Herman Slater and a customer who are having a lengthy conversation and debate over who shot JFK and the conspiracy surrounding his assassination, even getting into greater details to bolster their cases. As business picks up and there are more customers in store the two are interrupted by other customers overhearing.

Earl makes the characters act and sound like real people with real personalities; I really enjoyed how the Slater goes interacts with other clients by answering questions and providing customer needs and flawlessly weaves his way into the debate with the first customer. The art has an amateurish appeal to it, it may not suit everyone“s taste and yet once read you can overlook the appearance with the quality of the writing.

The last seven pages the art goes in an entirely altered course, moving from ink on white paper to brushed paint with heavy shading which gives the scenarios a nasty to this book. What transpires is enough to give you nightmares and it would only work with this art style!

This book is not for everyone, it is well written and would be suitable for fans of horror!

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Pick up this book and other Books from Blacklab from here:

Dodgy is the proud host of the Indie Comic Podcast Flipside Focus on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network. Check us out at

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Author Profile

Shane Tydeman
The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!

An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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