Cyber Force 10 Review

STORY BY: Marc Silvestri

ART BY: Marco Turini, Stjepan Sejic

COVER BY: Marc Silvestri

PUBLISHER: Top Cow Productions



Top Cow continues the revival of their 90’s team book in Cyber Force 10. I was a big fan of this book

when the first five issues came out last year, sadly due to the book not coming out as regularly as most

I stopped reading. I have to ask myself why as this issue was great fun.

In Cyber Force #10 you have a great fight with between Ripclaw and Killjoy, due to her injuries from

previous issues it was a really inventive fight that was great fun to behold. The plot continues to

build on the Aphrodite protocol and having also read Aphrodite IX it is nice to see the story from the

other side prior to when the world has been destroyed and the desperate battle that Stryker and co

are having against Cyberdata. The last page reveal however, is a game changer, the battle is now out

in the open and I am really excited to see where Silvestri takes this story next and just how much this

connects to the world after the protocol. Overall the story moves along well with some great action

and great reveals that make this book a really fun read, it feels like a summer blockbuster with all

your favorite characters running around kicking ass and taking names.

Like most Top Cow books the art is utterly beautiful, Khoi Pham is a great choice for this book

especially in the cybernetic parts on Stryker and Ripclaw, they look like they have had these metal

parts grafted onto them not merely drawn over their bodies. The colors on this book also really

stand out thanks to some great palette choices, as you can imagine most of the backgrounds are

very drab, brown post-apocalyptic setting we have seen in a lot of things before however, this is

broken up with gold, green and reds on our cast of characters that make them stand out and draw

your eye to them, I also utterly love the redesigns for some of the returning cast.

Cyber Force is a really fun book, previous fans of the old series will feel right at home and having it

interconnected with the Aphrodite book has been a stroke of genius, you can read both series

independently but, you will take so much more if you are reading both together.


By Matt Deery

Author Profile

Matt Deery
Matt Deery is an avid comic reader from the UK, relatively new to the writing scene but, enjoying being part of the Comic Crusaders team and getting to talk about some the books that I adore. Will read almost anything Marvel, with Spider-Man and Iron Man being my all time favorite comic book characters and has recently found a love for Image and Valiant books and generally anything Sci FI or Espionage related. Check out my twitter @brujah69ad if you want to stop by and talk comics, video games or movies!
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