Diamond Select Toys Star Wars: The Clone Wars- Ahsoka Tano Legends in 3-Dimensions Bust Review

Today in the Toyverse, we travel to a galaxy far away and examine a Gentle Giant/Diamond Select Toys release of one of their Legends in 3-Dimensions busts. Up on the chopping block today is a fan favorite character who first showed up in the Clone Wars. Of course, I am referring to Ahsoka Tano. This bust is a stunning piece. It’s got a nice weight to it for starters. It’s a sturdy piece with a cool design. The lightsaber base is well executed and really complements the statue. The face sculpt has a realistic approach to it, but still retains the characters of the character. I have no paint issues or defects with mine. This piece is out of stock online at Gentle Giant, but you can still pick it up for retail on many retail collector sites that carry the product. Overall, a fun piece for any Star Wars fan. A special thank you to DST for sending this piece out. Enjoy some photos below.

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