Before we dive into today’s review I want to express on behalf of the Comic Crusader’s family a special thank you to the folks at IDW Publishing for sending over a copy of this book for review. And before I forget, IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles City At War: The End is spoiler free. Why? because I would be a real jerk if I didn’t let you enjoy the work that Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Dave Wachter, and IDW have put in front of you.


             I don’t get the chance too much to follow comics as much as would like, but this is a story I have been paying attention to as it has unfolded. The TMNT comics have such a diverse amount of story telling, how can you not get sucked in. This final eighth part wraps up this epic event in the Turtlverse, and it doesn’t disappoint. The story flows in each panel, and has you chomping down on pizza and suspense in a great way. This epic conclusion jerks at the heart, and tells a deep tale that one usually doesn’t expect to find in stories about mutated animals with ninja skills. By the time you finish this tale, you immediately go back and re read again to lose yourself in this world. And for me, that’s the biggest measurement of success for a story. Anytime a story can suck you in, it’s done its job.

The Creators:

     Tackling a story this big cannot be easy, and my hat is off to the IDW team for finding the right people to represent the story presented. No one I think can understand the mind of Kevin Eastman, but I think it’s because of that the Turtles continue to be so popular. When you read an Eastman story, you know you are getting a treat and it shows. Tom Waltz does a fantastic job of taking that story and making it flow each page. Never once does the story seem slow. As a matter of fact the writing for this speaks volumes of the people making it happen. They create a story that you can see, smell, and hear, and that is no easy feat in any format. As for the art, the cover and pages done by Dave Wachter paint a visual experience that makes you fall in love with each panel from start to finish. Turtle artwork always tends to have it’s own voice, and although I can’t tell you what that voice is, I know what eyes see is music!


Final verdict:

From my viewpoint, this eight part series really finds a way to wrap you into the big picture with this final issue. The creators and IDW craft a turtle soup story that no five star restaurant can ever cook up. It makes your laugh, it makes you gasp, and it makes you bring a box of tissue to it. It’s storytelling done right, and it’s a TMNT story that will be remembered for years to come.

SCORE: 5/5

Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (writers) Ӣ Dave Wachter & Mateus Santolouco (interior artists)

To find local comic book shops where you can pre-order, visit

TMNT 100th issue will be available December 11th wherever print and digital comics are sold.


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