Kid Crusader Review: Sweet Dreams Cthulhu
By Kid Crusader Cannon
This was a quick and easy book to read. It“s funny that it“s past Cthulhu“s bedtime. It“s interesting and cool that Cthulhu is having nightmares about other monsters. I like that H.P. Lovecraft is in the book. The way that they bring in the cover and the title of the book at the end is good because it pulls it all in. I didn“t like that I had to read everything after the story. But the author’s story was pretty good in all.
Cthulhu is really cute on the cover and in the book. The art is awesome and the colors are very vibrant. The monsters are all cool. I like the teddy bear best because it has three eyes. The end is cool because some people can learn how to draw the house if they like to draw.
Overall, it wasn“t exceeding the best of books, but it was cute. I want more!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]