NECA 2020 Convention Exclusive TMNT Musical Mutagen Tour Figure Review

After a very long journey of not being able to acquire this NECA 2020 set, I finally was able to get my hands on one. Now I did pay above retail, but with a 30 dollar mark up, I would say I did pretty good. Anyways, enough about that, let’s get out of our shell and talk about the NECA 2020 Convention Exclusive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Musical Mutagen Tour Figure set!

The internal packaging on this box set  is amazing. Not only was the outer case a nice tribute to the Coming Out of the Shell, but the internal packaging has a nice case that houses the figures. It has a lot of differnt details on it that make it very fun to look at. And one of the best parts is when you open it:

I mean how cool is that. I have to say this is one of NECA’s best packaging designs I have seen released yet. I always appreciate that NECA takes the time to give such a great presentation with their products. With that being said, once opened you have four rockin’ and rollin’ turtles inside, so lets look at those bad boy’s a bit more.

As for appearance, these figures are freaking creepy! And being honest, that’s a compliment. NECA did a tremendous job of capturing the look of the bad costumes from the Shell Tour. They somewhat share share the body of the movie turtles it would seem, but with a different paint and tons of  glam rock added on, they immediately stand out.  The soft goods of leg warmers, and the denim jacket, add a whole new look. Each Turtle has a unique print on the jacket, but the design of the jacket remains the same. Also on the jacket is a great print of the tour poster on the back. All of the designs look really good, and I have had no quality control issues.

The heads have to be the strangest part of this set. All four turtles seem to share the same sculpt, but if you know anything about these turtles, those costumes were very low budget. NECA did a fantastic job of capturing that look, and at the same time making it very creepy and true to form. The bandannas seem static, and each head sports a non removable headset. One other thing I wanted to point out is the shoes. These turtles are not sporting the bare toe look, but instead have sneakers on. It’s a break from the norm, but still look really cool as well. Now in terms of articulation, for the most part, these turtles are the same as their movie counterparts. The big difference here is the articulated mouth. Its once again something that is cool, but kind of creeps you out, which it should.






As for accessories, these turtles are sporting quite a bit. We have multiple pair of hands for starters. Each set can be interchanged between the turtles, and create many fun ways to showcase the ninja rockers rocking out! Another cool accessory is the pizza Frisbee. It wouldn’t be a turtle release without pizza, and this version of a pizza is homage to the souvenir folks could pick up during the concert. its made of a softer plastic material, and is pretty cool to mess around with.








And if that wasn’t enough, also packed in are two eye rock glam pieces. One is a star and another is a stark trek like logo piece that plugs into the eye. The cool thing with these pieces are that they can be used on one turtle, or on all four turtles. Of course since their are only two pieces, only two can use it at one time. But if that didn’t scratch your itch, each turtle comes packed in with musical instruments. We get a total of five, and each one has its own look and design. We get a beat machine, a sax, a guitar, a bass, and an keytair. These are really cool items, and I am happy that NECA packed them in with the set.









Overall, this four pack was a really solid release from NECA. It hits all the strings, and scratches the turtle itch that NECA is tremendous at. I love this set, and pictures don’t do this thing justice. if you can find it on the secondary market, or at Target, grab it. it’s worth the asking price. Enjoy the photos and thank you so much for stopping by.


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