OVERVIEW: Lukulele from The Animus Workshop

When I first encountered the guys from the Animus Workshop, they were promoting their YouTube channel on various social media platforms. They were doing this via the power of shots, it was at this very moment that I knew I liked them so I subscribed. They gave me a video shout out which they did to every person that became a subscriber, this showed me they cared about the people supporting them. Another plus.

Their channel mixes high quality effects with strong storytelling and a good dose of humour all things that are right up my street. This brings me to their fantastic YouTube series Lukulele.  This glorious six-part series has everything you could want whether you have geeky tendencies or not.  Comedy, sci-fi and an underlying darkness from the after-tutorial scenes.

Luke himself is brilliant, I loved the running gags and the character in general, I think we all know someone like him but that’s part of his everyman appeal, it became a mix of realism with his YouTube ukulele instructional videos, the type of videos we see day to day. I enjoyed the self correction as he’s playing; this was extremely clever and did keep it feeling much more natural than scripted. For a good chunk of the first episode you’d be forgiven for forgetting that this is a scripted piece and not some guy playing a ukulele in his room.

Then all of a sudden you’re slapped in the face with an awesome twist which takes the storyline into bizarre and brilliant places! It’s one of the closest films to what I believe that people would be like if out of this world phenomena actually occurred, of course people would take to social media! I won“t say anymore as I don’t want ruin it for you because I couldn’t do it justice by telling you about it, you’ll have to go and witness it with your eyeballs, trust me you won’t be disappointed!

Author Profile

P Hayden


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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