Review: Age of X-Man: Amazing Nightcrawler #1
Nightcrawler is one of those characters that is begging to have his own series. There is so much to him as a character that has yet to be fully analyzed despite past mini-series and his long history with the X-Men. Considering that The Amazing Nightcrawler #1 is in a fantastic position to dive into the inner workings of Kurt Wagner as his lives his life in this new Age of the X-Man world.
The Age of X-Man seeks to be the counterbalance to the Age of Apocalypse event that happened during the nineties. Similar to that book this is once again a world ruled by mutants, however, where Apocalypse ruled over an apocalyptic wasteland this appears to be an ideal world full of peace and prosperity. So much so that someone like Kurt Wagner is not feared or scoffed at while performing tricks at a circus. Now he is on the Silver Screen as one of Hollywood“s biggest stars.
That fact made the opening of this issue somewhat shocking. It appeared that this Nightcrawler was back in that hellish landscape fighting for his life against the Morlocks. Not everything is as it appears as we quickly learn this bloody battle is nothing more than the making of a movie. A movie where Nightcrawler is the main star and hero. Considering the history of the character it does establish an intriguing concept. This one feared being who represented everything what was once feared is not the idyllic representation of what this world celebrates.
If you take the conflict that has defined a character away what are you left with? That million dollar question of what happens when you give someone everything they supposedly want. Answering that question is where this issue falters the most. As the issue moves along it never fully forms into a complete piece. First issues are notably tough to balance and this simply did not get that balance right. By the conclusion, you can see where the pieces are going there is simply not nearly enough context given to give you a conflict worthy of your attention.
Having love be the one thing your character is longing for can make for a fantastic story. Why it does not work here is due to lack of establishing what actually is at stake. It is relying far too heavily on what came before and what is currently happening within the X-Men books as a whole. If you do not have that context you will have little idea what Kurt is referring too when he indicates he has made a mistake and why acting on his feelings with a fellow costar is such a tabu. Not to mention why exactly it is a relationship worthy enough to risk everything he currently has.
The issue is not without merit as writer Seanan McGuire has a solid grasp of these characters especially Nightcrawler that should bold well for future issues. There are also moments that are affecting. Kurt finding a crying mutant outside the confines of his red carpet premiere was the highlight of the book. If we get more moments like that this series will greatly improve. Juan Frigeri“s art works well enough as his panel design is efficient and keeps the book moving. His work falters most when it comes to facial expression as they either appear over exaggerated or too muted.
Final Thoughts:
Amazing Nightcrawler #1 was a rudderless first issue that lacks urgency and context. It suffers from the common event tie-in pitfall of being too far into the weeds to know what needs to be established to make its part of the story to work. A second issue can do this book a tremendous favor by adding in so much needed context. The problem is it does not do enough to make one eager to return.
Writer: Sean McGuire
Artist: Juan Frigeri
Color Artist: Dono Sanchez-Alamara
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Author Profile
- A fan of all things comics. Growing up on a healthy diet of 90's Batman and X-Men cartoon series ignited a love for the medium that remains strong today.
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