REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #22

Amazing Spider-Man #22, Legacy numbering 916 begins with a masked character creating a twister terrorising the city. This immediately captures the attention of Norman Osborn (the Green, err… Gold Goblin!) who is determined to identify the mysterious person responsible for the mini tornado.
In New York City, in an apocalyptic era.. listed One Year ago, Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson are seen hustling through a city left in an enormous junk heap. Both are out of place and time, confused and scared! Scared, because they are chased by an alligator inspired monster that looks like something from a Picasso painting! Both Pete and MJ are encountered and saved by an old enemy of Dr Rabin, to take on the devilish Mayan God Wayep!
As the great Stan Lee once said, “Every comic book is someone’s first issue” same applies here for the reviewer. The last Amazing Spider-man book I read was the Spencer/Ottley run.. remember when Pete was roommates with the Boomerang? Jumping onto this, I’m pleased with the art by legendary ‘Ironman’ (due to his longevity in the industry) John Romita Jr is serviceable yet exceptional when delivering scenes in the apologetic era. Early on, the excessive panels with faces portraying dialogue were a bit much, the book was a bit wordy.
When Wayep is introduced, a new found energy lifts the book to a whole new level, the relationship between Dr Rabin and Wayep gives a new depth mildly like Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde which is eerily awesome, what is Spidey in for? Read it and find out! The visual delivery by JRJR is flawless and Zeb Wells serves a nice conclusion.. or is it. Without spoiling the story for you all, the ending is a whole lotta fun.
Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ .5

Writer: Zeb Wells
Pencils: John Romita Jr.
Inks: Scott Hanna
Colors: Marcia Menyz
Letters: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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