Review: BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS #6 From A New Perspective

Batman: Urban Legends #6 is a collection of short stories, most of which feature Batman seen from a different perspective. Our first tale features former Robin, Jason Todd (Current alias Red Hood), rescuing his mentor from a deranged drug lord going by the title Cheer. Cheer is a weak substitute for Joker, who has flooded Gotham streets with his bliss educing drug he’s titled cheer drops. Somehow Batman has fallen victim to the new villain who has him chained up and overdosing on cheer gas, borrowing more than just one element from the Joker, I see. Despite the villain’s already taken gimmick, it sets up a heartwarming scene where Jason storms a hideout, takes out Mr Freeze, and administers an antidote to Batman just in time. 

This story takes a unique look at Batman through the eyes of his former sidekick, offering a perspective of the caped crusader that is much more human. Seeing Batman chained up and drugged out his mind is unpleasant for both Jason and the reader, but that just makes the payoff when Red Hood rescues him that much sweeter. Given Jason is his own man, the illusion that Batman is this unstoppable all-knowing hero shatters from this perspective. They are both men who have different ways of doing things, but the narrative never for a moment lets you forget that these two men respect each other. 

On the other side of the spectrum is the current Robin, Tim Drake. Robin sees Batman as this hyper-competent unstoppable force that he strives to emulate. It’s fascinating seeing how two characters that have both shared the Robin identity view their mentor from very different angles. Robin’s inner dialogue has him asking himself how Batman would solve this situation or what would he think in these circumstances. Pairing these two stories into this issue of Urban Legends was a really good idea that offers the reader a window into how others in the DC universe think of the dark knight. 

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Following The Joker War, large amounts of Batman’s personal arsenal have found their way into the wrong hands, and Batgirl isn’t having any of it. Batgirl recruits Black Canary to investigate the suspicious organization making use of Bruce’s gear for their own nefarious ends but not before the two women trade witticisms about each other’s rocky love lives. 

We’ve seen Batman’s tools in the hands of Joker in a previous arc, and it seems this is going to be an ongoing theme with his vehicles and weapons now in possession of this T.R.U.S.T organization. Batman’s tools have been a defining part of his character, and I’m excited to see how his iconic array of gadgets will be used against him and his allies in the issues to come. The stunning leader of T.R.U.S.T has set up an elaborate ruse to lure in Black Canary, even going so far as to inform her that the previous Black Canary helped out their cause in the past, adding another layer of allure for Canary to stick around and see what they’ll be doing in the future. Everything outside the Detective Comics title featuring Batman at the moment has had expectational art and really solid writing. Batman: Urban Legends continues to bring is impactful tales from around the DC universe, expanding upon its ever-growing cast of caped characters. 

“A great read for Bat-fans who just can’t get enough of Gotham and the characters it spawned.”

Final Score 3.5/5 Stars

Writers: Meghan Fitzmartin, Matthew Rosenberg, Joshua Williamson
Artists:  Eddy Barrows, Scot Eaton, Trevor Hairsine, Belén Ortega, Chris Sprouse
Publisher: DC Comics 


Author Profile

Andrew Roby
Australian Article/Comic Book Writer, Co-Creator of RUSH!, Comic Crusaders Contributor and Bit⚡Bolt on YouTube.


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