REVIEW: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Picture Proof

Let’s judge this book by its cover… This cover looks similar to the cover for Field Trip but this time our heroes are back to back and looking like a team.

As Batman chases down some criminals in Gotham a young girl tries to snap a picture of the Dark Knight. But thanks to some handy gadget is unable to. At school the next day, her friends don’t believe she saw the Batman and call her a liar. Furious the young girl manages to reason where the Batman will be that night and waits for him taking the perfect picture to share with her friends.  Will she out the Batman as simply a man or will she keep the secret so the myth remains just that?

This is one of the best giveaway issues yet. The struggle between wanting to be proven right and simply doing what’s right is shown well in so few pages. The art is again great and the action panels are gorgeous.

This one gets a 5 star from me, it’s all Batman and no Superman but it’s works so well.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Picture Proof
Written by Marguerite Bennett
Art by Marcus To
Colours by Irma Kniivila
Letters by Deron Bennett
Published by DC/General Mills Cereal
Reviewed by Dawn of Comics

Do you agree with my review? Comment below or find me on Twitter @DawnOfComics and let me know what you thought of this book

Author Profile

Dawn of Comics
Hey, I'm Shane.
Been into comics since I was about 5. Loved watching Wonder Woman and superboy in the 80's.
I Started reading seriously about 10 years ago. Began to collect a few comic series, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Teen Titans, Justice League of America and Superman Batman all pre flashpoint. Being honest that was my favourite run.
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