REVIEW: Black Panther (2023) #6
Wakanda’s history is coming back to haunt it literally in Black Panther (2023) #6. Can T’Challa learn from the mistakes of his lineages’ past to save his country’s future.
Wakandan crime warlord Baba Nkisu has just made a deal with the devil and summoned a fugitive from the past. The Kivu Ma aka the Grey Wolf is a mystic force who was once a friend and confidant to the Black Panther who became a Zealot. He pushed his “love” for Wakanda too far and betrayed T’Challa’s grandfather, King M’Teli. This issue serves as an intriguing history lesson taking readers back 100 years to an earlier version of Wakanda and the Black Panther. The tale of M’Teli and the soon-to-be Kivu Ma is textbook story of betrayal but is written with heart and humanity making the obvious heel turn a sad one nonetheless. Eve L. Ewing flexes her renowned writing chops showcasing a different Black Panther and Wakanda readers would be very interested in exploring more.
First things first concerning the art, Black Panther looks cool. Both the past and current versions look slick with unique accents and flairs to the classic black cat suit. Also, Kivu Ma is a cool looking purple smoke monster. But the retelling of how N’Dozi becomes the Kivu Ma is the artistic highlight of the issue. A full-page panel shows his journey and transformation from man to monster and is filled with popping colors and terrifying imagery. The action/fight sequence is also well crafted and is combined with another vivid and gorgeous representation of Wakanda. Overall, the art is this series continues to be top notch and goes hand-in-hand with the storytelling. Artists Matt Horak and Mack Chater, and colorist Jesus Aburtov do honor to one of comic’s classic characters and environments.
Black Panther (2023) #6 primarily takes place in the past to set up the battle for Wakanda’s future. The backstory heavy issue is a switchup from the previous issues in the series thus far and is a welcomed change of pace. Its different without slowing the overall story down one bit. A good backstory, origin tale, etc. can really help out a comic book run and Eve L. Ewing and company look to be brewing up something quite interesting here. T’Challa still has no idea what he’s about to get into but apparently neither does his advisory Baba. And the way things are shaping up, everyone might be in for a wild Wakanda-changing event.
Writing – 5 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Coloring – 4.5 Stars
4.5 Stars
Written by; Eve L. Ewing
Art by; Matt Horak and Mack Chater
Colors by; Jesus Aburtov
Letters by; Joe Sabino
Published by; Marvel Comics
Author Profile
- Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.
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