Bloodshot Salvation Issue 8 - Cover

REVIEW: Bloodshot Salvation #8

Bloodshot Salvation Issue 8 - CoverThe previous issue of Bloodshot Salvation was a controversial one. The art or lack thereof – Bloodshot was rendered blind in the storyline – was seen by some as very minimal and creative, while others felt slighted by paying for an issue of a visual medium that contained little to no art. I personally thought it was well done and showed the importance of lettering, framing, and solid dialogue. Bloodshot Salvation #8 is a direct continuation of the previous issue with Bloodshot (along with Hound) in The Deadside looking for a way to save his dying daughter, Jessie. However, this issue is done in a more familiar, visual style.

Speaking of visuals, Renato Guedes’ painterly, realistic art is absolutely gorgeous. Most of his pages seem to use a technique of popping the panels over a textured splash page. It gives the art a cohesiveness and every page seems to have a well framed ‘hero’ shot. I enjoy how the framing is handled and the art is a high point for this issue. The color palette is also varied and impressive. I mentioned strong lettering regarding issue 7 and it’s the same for this issue. Books involving The Deadside always grant an opportunity to be creative in that regard and this issue is no different. The issue earns praise here.

This issue progresses the Salvation story nicely and is very compelling. Seeing Bloodshot as a desperate father, hoping for a miracle, while battling hordes of demons with the clock ticking on his daughter made this a very intense read for me. The relatively simple, but human plot grounds the issue and gives Bloodshot relatable, understandable motivations. The Shadowman appearances seem a bit forced, especially the second one, but I understand his involvement. We also get further development with Pete and Danny, which seems to be leading to a good payoff. This continues to be a strong title with standout art. The final pages and the surprise ending does a great job of building excitement for the next issue and will have you wishing you could continue reading on. I give this issue 4 out of 5 stars.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Renato Guedes
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Published by Valiant Comics

Author Profile

David Lee Martins

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