Review: Cinderella Serial Killer Princess #3 (of 4)
Issue three of this mini series from Zenescope, see Cindy continue on her massacre of the Grimm universe in an effort to confront and kill her real enemy, Robyn Hood. With such a straight forward plan, the book is hard pressed to deliver any sort of characterization other than Cindy mouthing off as she dispatches some familiar faces.
Dave Franchini’s script and dialogue are loud, passing every opportunity to add subtlety into the mix. As such it could be said that this means its badly written. In fact, whilst not my cup of tea, Franchini certainly gives Cindy the sort of petulant voice that you would expect from a spoiled princess. If Franchini’s aim to make Cindy annoying, he definitely succeeds. With a lack of any real engaging element, the deathly situations become vital to detract from the noise. In this, things do get a little “Final Destination” but you have to give Cindy credit for thinking ahead so well.
The majority of the book is penciled by Fritz Casas and I have to say, is thoroughly enjoyable. The madcap mayhem that the story calls for is wholly evident but somehow not as overwhelming as the dialogue over story. This is due in part to how great Cindy looks. This fact is further evidenced when looking at Marc Rosette’s first couple of pages. Still, things improve with Rosette’s latter pages as if he enjoys the slower pace of dealing with less characters. Manuel Preitano weighs in with a cartoony style to further cement the crazy elements on show throughout. As always, coloring is a strength of Zenescope, in this case there are provided by Leonardo Paciarotti for the majority and Beezzz Studios aiding to Preitano’s change of pace.
This book, in fact this whole mini series is not going to win any prizes for it’s high brow story. Depending on your mood you will either love the crazy or you may well feel that the amount of violence with very little story featuring a half dressed stocking wearing curvy woman is an indictment of everything that could be seen as wrong in comics. For me, the truth lies somewhere in between.
Writing – 2.5 Stars
Art (Fritz Casas) -3.5 Stars
Art (Marc Rosette) – 3 Stars
Art (Manuel Preitano) – 2.5 Stars
Colors – 4 Stars
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Story by Joe Brusha and Dave Franchini
Writer:Â Dave Franchini
Artist: Fritz Casas, Marc Rosette, Manuel Preitano
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Currently reading a slew of Bat Books, enjoying a mini Marvel revival, and the host of The Definative Crusade and Outside the Panels whilst also appearing on No-Prize Podcast on the Undercover Capes Podcast NetworkLatest entries
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