REVIEW: Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #1

Spider-Man and clones?????

Seems to crop up in the Marvel Comics Universe fairly regularly . . .

“DEAD NO MORE”“: The Jackal is back and has conquered death. The Amazing Spider-Man is outmatched by his classic enemy“s army. Does the wall-crawler stand a chance? SHOULD he stand in The Jackal“s way if he“s found the key to eternal life?

Dan Slott, Jim Cheung and John Dell, bring us this five issue event in the Spider-verse.  The story begins with the funeral of Jay Jameson, Sr. and JJJ blaming Peter Parker for his father’s death (of course).  We find through exposition Parker had dissuaded JJ, Sr. from the experimental treatment which could have prolonged/saved his life.  This lengthy exposition with Anna Marie Marconi is my major gripe.  This section slows the pace, although it provides newer Spider-Man readers a necessary informational.  Later Spidey breaks into New U Headquarters to determine the effects of the experimental treatment.  At this point the issue picks up pace and we find a reanimated/cloned Rhino, “She-Electro” and more importantly Miles Warren aka:  The Jackal.  It appears Warren has found a way to not just clone but reanimate the dead.

This issue also includes a backup story from Slott and guest artist Ron Frenz. This tale flashes back to a classic period in Spider-Man lore, with a decent nod to the Romita art style.  This backup is also helpful addition for those not steeped in Spidey lore and provides solid character motivations.

The art and colors convey the grim tone of the funeral, with the art in general providing very cinematic feel.

The event has only a few issues to ramp up the pace and hopefully ditch the exposition, but overall this was a good start to this most current Spider-man event.


Story by: Dan Slott
Art by: Jim Cheung, John Dell
Colors by: Justin Ponsor


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