Review: Death Sentence Liberty #1

Death Sentence Liberty #1 presents a vision of a dystopian future where a sexually transmitted disease bestows super powers and an eventual death sentence on those individuals who contract it by engaging in unprotected sex.  It is a different take on the whole “meta-human” concept and strangely the second book I’ve read in recent weeks where a disease is responsible for creating super powered individuals.  (The other being Man-Eaters by Chelsea Cain)

There are four main protagonists in the book.  The first three individuals:  Roots, Danny “Weasel” Waissel and Verity Fette, suffer from the G-Plus virus.  Because of their affliction they have been granted superpowers but each have six months to live.  The fourth individual, Jeb Mulgrew, is an undercover FBI agent working to procure secret G-Plus research from a British military research facility in Scotland.

The issue opens with Mulgrew sending a coded micro-burst transmission to a covert United States submarine patrolling off the coast of a remote Scottish island.  Lonely and frustrated, Mulgrew returns to the top secret research facility located on the island.  Here, the UK government is performing research on G-Plus, the sexually transmitted disease that grants superpowers before it kills.  For much of the issue Mulgrew plans on how to get to the information he needs, information which is being held off network in a separate section of the facility.  In the meantime, officials at the station suspect that Mulgrew may be more than he seems and are taking steps to investigate and possibly eliminate him.

Meanwhile, in the poorer parts of London, a revolt in all but name is being suppressed by the British military.  Hopelessly outgunned, the rebels are nevertheless holding their own due in most part to the participation of the Super-G’s.  These super-powered individuals include Roots, Weasel and Verity.  Verity is an aspiring artist who can manipulate the forces of electromagnetism.  These manipulations usually result in dazzling light shows that are scintillating as well as effective.  Roots is a hard as nails drug dealer who also has the ability to manipulate plant life.  While she is defending her home, she exhibits a sadistic and violent streak that bears watching as the story progresses.  Weasel is an eternally recovering junkie whose powers have yet to be clearly defined.  However, although he exhibits care for his fellow human beings it is unclear if he will be able to help due to the nature of his affliction.

First off, I should note that this book is intended for mature audiences only.  The book is gritty and realistic in it’s violence level and language but it is the nature of G-Plus that should provide pause for younger readers.  Because G-Plus is a sexually transmitted disease and prevalent in an underground culture of drugs and sex; graphic depictions of nudity, sexual intercourse and drug use are common in the book.  However, these situations are by no means gratuitous and are, in fact, necessary for the story to progress.  That out of the way, Monty Nero and Mike Dowling have created a world that is compelling and worthy of following.  The writing in this issue is amazing; combining elements of a spy story, mutant revolution and social commentary into one story.  The artwork is truly beautiful but it is the color on that artwork which is the star of the show.  Each panel is painted with inspiration and sets the tone for each scene impeccably.  Psychedelic powers and scenes of drug addled sex are presented in dizzying color while acts of violence or despair are colored as to evoke emotions that can not be denied.  Finally, as a person who likes to admire comic book covers, this cover is one to be treasured.  It depicts Verity in her electromagnetic glory and surrounded by images of her street art.  All in all, this is a top tier book that I highly recommend.

Writing – 5 of 5 Stars
Art – 5 of 5 Stars

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Writing – Monty Nero
Art – Martin Simmonds
Lettering – Monty Nero

Author Profile

Nemesis is a poet, writer and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game. He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers. Besides novels and short stories he writes for UK based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC. Nem is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.

He lives and works out of his home in Riverside, California with his wife and three children. When not writing he enjoys reviewing comic books and graphic novels for and living the Southern California life with his family.


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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