REVIEW: Deer Editor #1 & #2
G’Day Crusaders,
This is Dodgy in the mix bringing you Deer Editor # 1 and 2 by Ryan K Lindsay with art by Sami Kivela and letters by Nic J. Shaw. Proudly published by Four Colour Ray Gun.
Deer Editor is a story involving a headstrong and zealous journalist named Bucky who technically is strong head not only because he is anthropomorphic deer but because he will do what ever it takes to see criminals brought to justice. From the opening pages his keenness make him slightly estranged from his colleagues and his drive to find scoops get him into all sorts of trouble and as his antlers tangle into trouble (another pun!), especially in issue number two Bucky finds himself in more trouble than anticipated.
This is a story loaded with emotions, Lindsay articulately provides giving a steady pace which is easy for readers to follow. Bucky’s belief in delivering justice brings a sense of empathy to the character. This is a black and white book; Kivela’s art delivers tremendously, it is clean and very easy to follow that color is not required. I kind of feel Bucky is like Will Graham from the TV Series Hannibal as he is constantly being manipulated and eventually tortured by others.
Deer Editor doesn’t end with only two issues, support our friend RKL by jumping onto his Kickstarter campaign by clicking below:
I did mention Deer Editor #3 as part of Kickstarter in Flipside Focus Episode 9, check it out here.
This is not a comedic story, so fans of crime stories with a difference this is for you! Do ya’self a favor and pick it up!
Dodgy is the proud host of the Indie Comic Podcast Flipside Focus on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network. Check us out at
Don“t forget to catch the awesome content of Comic Crusaders and Flipside Focus HERE
Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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