REVIEW: Doc Savage: Ring Of Fire #1

1938: Amelia Earhart is missing, volcanoes are going off under US Navy bases, Silver Death“s Heads are trying to kill Doc Savage, and FDR is quite concerned about all of this. Return to the 1930s for a thrilling four-issue miniseries reuniting the Twilight Zone: The Shadow creative team of writer David Avallone and artist Dave Acosta!  As an added bonus, the Brent Schoonover covers for issues 1-4 will connect to form 1 complete image!
Doc Savage: Ring Of Fire #1
writer: David Avallone 
artist: Dave Acosta
covers: Brent Schoonover (a), Anthony Marques (b)
incentive covers: Brent Schoonover (B/W art), Anthony Marques (B/W art)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC ”¢ 32 pages ”¢ $3.99 ”¢ Teen+ 

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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